Piñera awaits the Pope's decision concerning Ezzati leading the Te Deum


President Sebastián Piñera on Monday raised questions on issues raised by Archbishop Ricardo Ezzati, who heads the Te Deum in September.

It should be remembered that Ezzati is currently charged with concealment in the context of allegations of badual abuse hanging over the Chilean Church, which is why he was summoned by the Office of the Prosecutor to testify on 21 August.

In an interview with Radio Bío Bío, Piñera expressed hope that "Pope Francis, who I believe has all the information, makes the decisions that he must make".

The head of state pointed out that Francisco has already made some decisions regarding the retirement of some bishops, but that he still has a lot to do. "Instead of protecting the children, they ended up protecting themselves," he said.

"All the evidence we have today makes me think, I am not a judge, that some prominent members of the Catholic Church were aware of these facts and did not act as they should have done, they should have denounced, protect the children and have a lot more courage to face the situation, "the president criticized.

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