Piñera begins to visit the Caribbean and Central America


The President of Chile, Sebastián Piñera, will travel tonight to Montego Bay (Jamaica), as a guest at the annual Caribbean Community (Caricom) Summit, after which he will visit America Central, which will take him to Panama and Costa Rica, and a visit to the United States, according to the executive today.

Chilean presidential sources badured that Piñera will hold Friday in the Caribbean island, as part of his invitation to the Caricom summit, bilateral meetings with Prime Ministers of Saint Lucia, Trinidad and Tobago, Barbados and Guyana.

In addition, he will participate in the closing plenary session of Caricom.

A day later, the Chilean President The Prime Minister of Jamaica, Andrew Holness

The most important issues that will be discussed at the summit will be crime and violence, disaster management, climate change, as well as the future single market and the economy. Caricom is an badociation of Antigua and Barbuda, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, Haiti, Jamaica, Montserrat, Saint Lucia. , St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Suriname and Trinidad and Tobago.

From Jamaica, Piñera will make an official visit to Costa Rica Monday, where he will hold a bilateral meeting with President Carlos Alvarado

This will be the first time that the two leaders will meet, which represents for the authorities a opportunity to reaffirm the commitment of the Presidents to continue the political dialogue, the agreements concluded in matters of cooperation and the promotion of commercial relations

On the same afternoon of this Monday, Piñera will arrive on an official visit to Panama, where he will participate in a bilateral meeting with President Juan Carlos Varela, and ego will attend an official dinner in his honor.

Tuesday will be part of the closing ceremony of the Velas Latinoamérica sailing event and will travel a section of the Panama Cbad on the Chilean ship Escuela Esmeralda.

Later he will travel to Sun Valley, Idaho (United States), where he will arrive the same evening

Next Wednesday, he will attend the technology forum organized by Allen & Co, where he will hold bilateral meetings with leaders large multinational technology companies.

At night, he will return to Chile, where he should arrive on Thursday morning.

Since he took office on March 11, Piñera went to the Summit of the Americas in April in Lima, then to Argentina, where he met his counterpart Mauricio Macri and Brazil for meet with President Michel Temer. EFE

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