Piñera calls to the unity of Chile Let's go to Bío Bío before the rumors of seremis change | National


With a call to the unity of Chile Let's go to the region the President Sebastián Piñera chaired the Expanded Regional Cabinet of Bío Bío which was not not enough for some parliamentarians insist is time for a change of local authorities .

At the rendez-vous – conducted Monday evening in a hotel in Concepcion – attended all seremis and governors of the region, plus the president who had just inaugurated a high-resilience service (SAR) in Talcahuano and activities in the province of Arauco .

Regarding the meeting, the head of government of the region, Francesca Parodi, explained that this allowed the executive to provide guidelines to local authorities.

" The President finally told us what road map ," he said.

https://media.biobiochile.cl/wp-content/uploads/2018 /07/cita-2-parodi.mp3

Meanwhile, Senator and President of the IDU, Jacqueline Van Rysselberghe, called rejected a change of cabinet at the local level despite the rumors that emerged earlier this month

In this line, the parliamentarian ruled that "we must take care of local government and we must work in unity to be able to do [19459004themostimportantthingistodowelltohaveasecondgovernmentinoursector ".


Hora de cambios

A different opinion was expressed by the party's partner of Jacqueline Van Rysselberghe, the deputy Sergio Bobadilla, who expressed it is time to make a change of seremis.

"We are at the right time to provoke badessments that allow us to define who really contributes to what they should and should contribute from the positions that have been appointed," he said. he declared.


For its part, the regional president of the National Renewal, Claudio Eguiluz, defended a possible change of local cabinet and spoke with President Piñera about it, so keep in mind that many local authorities were not able to form teams. [19659014] https://media.biobiochile.cl/wp-content/ uploads / 2018/07 / cita-1-eguiluz-.mp3

In the expanded cabinet also participated Ministers of Economy , José Ramón Valente and housing, Cristián Monckeberg.

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