Piñera criticizes the strike of the gendarmerie: we will not allow things to happen like those that have occurred | National


President Sebastián Piñera criticized the strike for four days. He held meetings with prison officials from across the country and badyzed the agreement reached Thursday night with the government to suppress the protest.

"Of course, there are problems in gendarmerie, as everywhere we discussed with them and yesterday, we reached an agreement on an official career, on the role that corresponds to them, on training" said the president.

"But I want to say something, this president and this government have not only promised to respect the rule of law, but also to uphold the rule of law and, therefore, I want to say very clearly that we will not allow things like those that have occurred to happen " the President pointed out, as reported by Emol.

The prefect Sebastián Piñera then clarified what he said: "the decision of the Justice Center or not to allow the exit of the entry of people who had to go to court and we explained it well to Fortunately, the reason, the prevailing reason, we reached an agreement and we were able to solve the problem. "

Finally, the highest authority of the country repeated that the strike was illegal and that it was illegal. in no case would it be allowed to be authorized. took the justice center. "We always use reason first and if reason is not enough, it must use force Yesterday it was enough with reason and I am immensely happy because we solved the problem without no act of force, "concluded.

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