Piñera for legislative drought: "Governments should not be judged on the number of laws they govern" | National


The President of Chile, Sebastián Piñera staged a difficult episode this week, after having accused the opposition of "obstructionist", because of the fact. absence of legislative projects sent.

"work," was the expression that Piñera devoted to the opposition and that caused annoyance in much of the old New Majority, which would later nuance his statements and added that only a part of the opposition had an obstructionist attitude

they are important, but the attitude, the will, the quality of government management, the powers of the state and civil society are also important. This legislative drought is an invention of the Socialist Party ", explained Piñera in an interview to the newspaper La Tercera.
According to the president, during the three months they spent in the government, 21 legislative initiatives were sent , 17 Bills and Established 45 Legislative Emergencies.

"Governments should not be judged by the number of laws they govern, but by improving the quality of life of their compatriots . I am sure that Chile is much better today than March 11 of this year. "

Among the projects that Piñera announces, he will send to his second government the modernization of the carabineros; the law that fights antisocial behavior such as the consumption of alcohol on the street, scratches, graffiti. or the destruction of real estate, the creation of the Department of Family and Social Development, the project that allows remote work or adjustment of the pension system.

With respect to its performance as president in his second government, Piñera acknowledged mandate differences, baduring that "there is no better experience to be president than to have already been president".

The head of state acknowledged that in this second government, he gave more importance to his ministers.they made some mistakes, in the words of Piñera.

"Errors, imprudence, I speak directly with the ministers and I think that they have great will, ability and intelligence, and I think that they have learned from their own mistakes. It is also true that there have been other noises, criticism of some parliamentarians, but adding and subtracting, I want to say that I appreciate, appreciate and appreciate the loyal, generous support and permanent that Chile Vamos brings to the government. "

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