Piñera highlights the role of SMEs in creating jobs and developing Chile | Espagnol.xinhuanet.com


SANTIAGO, Nov. 12 (Xinhua) – Chilean President Sebastián Piñera today underlined the role of small and medium enterprises in job creation and development in the country. inauguration of Small Business Week.

In a speech, the president said that his government "is committed to facilitating, promoting the birth, growth and development of SMEs", as well as "to offer better and more great opportunities "to these companies.

He pointed out that Small Business Week was an initiative that favored "public-private collaboration, as the two sectors come together to share their benefits, products and services with smaller businesses".

Piñera said that SMEs "are the backbone, the soul, the spirit of our country" and recalled the initiatives that have been promoted to allow the development of this type of activity, such as than the bill at thirty days. among other measures, the modernization of taxation, the Office of Productivity and national entrepreneurship.

The Head of State badured that during his mandate, the priority will be to ensure the country's growth, job creation and increased investment.

At the ceremony that took place around the Moneda Palace, the Minister of Economy, José Ramón Valente; Transport Minister Gloria Hutt and Minister of Energy Susana Jiménez.

Small Business Week is held from November 12 to 16.

This initiative is celebrated since 2012 and in this year's version. It includes more than 200 activities, meetings, conferences, trainings and fairs.

Small and medium-sized businesses are responsible for creating nearly 70 percent of Chile's jobs, as well as important sources of innovation, ideas, and creation. technologies.

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