Piñera: I deeply regret the closure of Iansa, it is not a decision of the government | National


During the day of this Sunday, President Sebastián Piñera met the beet growers of Linares, in the context of the crisis that ended with the closure of Iansa.

In the case, the president regretted the closure of the company and announced that the government will implement recycling programs and vocational training to encourage the development of agriculture in the region of Maule.

"We discussed with representatives of the agricultural world In the region of Maule, and particularly in the south of the Maule, the government will collaborate with different plans, for those who want to continue to produce beet", he says: "We also want to offer farmers the opportunity to interact with another type of crop, as is the case with wheat, as is the case with other types of products that are important. to progress in this area, "he added.

He also pointed out that one of the points on which the Maule area should aim in the long run, to leap into its farming system, are the major and minor fruit trees.

President Piñera inisitió in that the closing of Iansa is answered to a decision of a private company, that has nothing to do with the decisions of the government

Meanwhile, sugar beet chefs were in agreement with the policy that the government is taking.

The problem is not easy, nowadays we need short, medium and long term answers. We believe that the policy that the government badumes is precisely to find quick solutions, "said Ciro Tapia, president of the labor unions of Iansa linares.
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