Piñera is emboldened and calls the opposition: "Go to work"


Thursday morning, President Sebastián Piñera, at the meeting with businessmen of the Araucanía region, presented the anti-terrorist police force called "Comando Jungla", composed of 80 trained officials in Colombia and the United States, who will work to combat violence in the region.

But that is not all, Piñera took the time to send a message to those who accused the government of "legislative drought".

The president drew the claws and recalled that "one of the first things we did in March of this year, when we arrived at La Araucanía, was to present a project to modernize, strengthen and make more effective the anti-terrorism law. Nowadays, it does not work as it should. "

In this line, Piñera argued that" unfortunately, this bill failed to advance to Congress ", so" I say, first: get to work on the many projects that we have already sent and which, for various reasons, do not manage to overcome the difficulty. "Said the head of state.

In light of these statements, PPD Chairman Ernesto Velasco said that "more than a Byzantine discussion on legislative drought, what you need to do is exercise leadership. The government must govern, send bills that are in line with its own government program, that support issues such as economic growth, employment promotion, and public safety and, in general, parliamentarians have the ability to to hurry up. the stride. "

In this line criticized that" it is a debate that does not do good in the country, what is required is efficiency and leadership, "reiterated Velasco.

Blumel takes hives in the old New Majority 19659009] Before the accusations of opposition regarding a "legislative drought", La Moneda defended itself by making sure that there was a " obstruction "by some parliamentarians of the former Nueva Mayoría and the DC

., of the Ministry of the General Secretariat of the Presidency, led by Gonzalo Blumel, indicated that four specific commissions are those that caused this obstruction, in this line, they indicated to the Government of the House, presided over by Ms. Daniella Cicardini (PS) Health by the deputy Juan Luis Castro (PS) Constitution of the Senate presided over by Francisco Huenchumilla (DC) and Senator Yasna Provosta who is in charge of education. 9659002] The chairpersons of the commissions were surprised and at the same time annoyed by Blumel's argument. Senator Huenchumilla, who was pointed out by the Government as responsible for the Anti-Terror Law, did not respond, replied that "I think it is a lack of seriousness of the impressive President." Or he is misinformed or informed by the Ministry of Security He walks in the corridors of the Senate, but never speaks to the senators, at least with me never nor with our commission, he never said & # 39; recíbanme to tell you what is the route, the projects, never. For Senator DC, Yasna Provoste, "Minister Segpres is the main culprit of this legislative drought and the scarcity of projects, I ask him to hasten the stride, it's him He stopped indications, like those of the CFT and the performing arts.He already spent a hundred days of government, he can not hide behind the fact that he is new or has no experience "and badured that" the minister does I've never talked about a legislative agenda. "

MP Juan Luis Castro (PS) said that the drug bill, which Blumel asked him, was" always "on the Board of the Health Commission. "The Minister of Health (Emilio Santelices) has never defended the Drug Act, and I understand that when a government has a will, it orders its holder to defend a bill from his wallet." This has not been the case. Once, that was all, I ask then, where is the political will to make this criticism now so pitiless? "

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