Piñera on the inventory of Argentine glaciers: "This does not change the Chilean sovereignty"


President Sebastián Piñera badured that the inventory of glaciers published last May by Argentina did not alter the sovereignty of Chile as pointed out certain sectors and residents of the bordering areas of Patagonia.

The incident "does not affect or in any way affect Chilean sovereignty," said the president during an interview with radio stations in the region, as part of 39, a work trip to the Aysén and Magallanes regions in Chilean Patagonia.

] According to the President, the suspicions that have been expressed on this subject could be due to the fact that Chile and Argentina use different scales for the preparation of their maps. "Argentina has a scale and the Chile has another scale," he said.

"It is the scale with which it measures Chile and Argentina the scale, the more clear are the limits", said the president, adding that "differences have been noted" in the neighboring country.

"That does not mean, and I want us to be very calm, that Chile ] did not give up a glacier," he said.

According to some experts, the Argentinian inventory includes, among others, the Pío XI glacier, which overlooks the Pacific, for which they have worried about the base which is part of the Southern Ice Fields, considered as one of the main freshwater reserves of the planet.

In this region, about 1,800 kilometers south of Santiago, the boundary between certain sectors is between Chile and Argentina is not yet demarcated, and since Several years ago a joint border commission, created in 1998, was working on it.

Last Tuesday, the Director General of Legal Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mariana Durney, pointed out that the superposition of Argentine and Chilean cards could be confusing.

He also pointed out that Chile had brought the problem to the attention of the Argentine authorities. , which have ensured that the country uses another cartographic representation until the completion of the official mixed cartography, based on the work of the Joint Boundary Delimitation Commission.

President Piñera reiterated today the "good relationship" that exists Chile maintains relations with Argentina and recalled that there was a tacit agreement between the two countries to make visits and military incursions in the region without asking permission from other countries. rte

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