Piñera signed the project which seeks to end with nepotism


In an activity at Montt Varas Hall in La Moneda, President Sebastián Piñera signed the Public Integrity Bill an initiative that, among other things, aims to eliminate nepotism in the public service

The initiative developed by the executive also aims to control the so-called "revolving door" in the transition from the public sector to the private sector

The regulation states that ceases the work of parliamentarians and authorities, they will be prohibited from lobbying or managing interests for one year.

The bill regulates the entry of spouses or civil cohabitants, as well as parents – whether they are in the second or third degree of consanguinity – of the authorities, including the presidential personality .

we want officials who come to serve on the basis of pitutos and who can be political operators in the state administration, "said Mr. Piñera in his speech. [19659003] Finally, the measure seeks to exclude the participation of state authorities when there is an interest especially in the case of parliamentarians and their role in the drafting of laws