Pioneers of the 21st century "" Diario y Radio U Chile


The Google company, representatives of academia, private companies and sports, participated in the discussion activity that had as co-star the former President Michelle Bachelet, since she participated as an audience at the event commemorating the legacy of the first surgeon in Latin America: Eloísa Díaz.

Thursday, July 5, 2018 8:07 hrs.


"Students, academics and government officials are at the center of this wave that does not stop, and congratulations," said Farid Zeran, vice president of extension and communications , at the opening of the day. Conversation.

In the central house of our university and in collaboration with Google Chile, the round table was organized, "Mujeres Sin Biombo: Pioneers del Siglo XXI." A discussion on the representation of women in areas such as academia, the private sector and sport.

The event, which was attended by former President Michelle Bachelet, was held to commemorate the legacy of Eloísa Díaz, a graduate of the Faculty of Medicine of the University from Chile. The first surgeon in the country and throughout Latin America.

The journalist Mónica Rincón participated as moderator, and the panel was integrated by the academic Cecilia Sepúlveda; Adriana Noreña, vice president of Google for Hispanic America; Alicia Scherson, director and academic of the ICEI of our house of studies; and Fernanda Pinilla, selected among the women's football team and doctoral candidate in physics at the Faculty of Science of the University of Chile.

Eloísa Díaz Insunza graduated from the School of Medicine of the University of Chile in 1887 – where she studied in his mother's business and after a screen – after promulgation of the decree Amunátegui, which gave women of the time access to higher education.

For this reason, the question the panelists answered was: what are the screens? which still exists for women in contemporary society?

Dr. Cecilia Sepúlveda, first Dean of the Faculty of Medicine of our research house, said that the lack of complementarity between the roles of men and women, in the care of the family continues. exist, which still has consequences in university education and in the professional field.

He added that universities are built on a paradigm. Asculino who is still very marked.

"There are many obstacles and screens that are maintained over the years for women.A first barrier is internal: to dare, to believe that we can do things. there are a series of external barriers, among which I would mention as very important the lack of sharing of social or family roles and the professional role.This barrier lasts. "

Speaking of challenges and changes to move the agenda forward genre, director Alicia Scherson stressed the role of the media and, in particular, art, claiming that "without it is doubtful that this creates an imaginary with which we feed, that is why it is so important that there are more women who create, direct and invent these possible worlds. "

" It's about adding books, movies, fictional characters that " they are constructing models of family, of couple, so that we have a p read big universe. "

The football player, a graduate in physics and today a doctoral student in physics from the University of Chile, Fernanda Pinilla, reported: For example, the discrimination that he suffered Part of his environment when he started playing football.

"The barriers I had to cross I saw mainly in the parents of my friends. They had noted that football was a space reserved for men and forbidden girls to play with me and approach me, "said the left of the Chilean team

. Former President Michelle Bachelet was also present at the discussion, part of the audience.At the end of the activity, the former president shared her experience with those present, and expressed optimism about positive progress that the mbadive feminist movement will bring to the country, which has made headlines around the world.

The ex-president was delivering a speech in hand, but when she arrived at the front, she l & rsquo; left in the affirmation that "I do not intend to read", and recalling a series of anecdotes that she has experienced as a pioneer in different areas that have developed, in particular in recent years, she said: "there are good news in the country. I am super optimistic with the movement of little girls. "

In his words, the former president pointed out that" there is still a lot to do, a lot of things can be done and in every area we need to identify what the obstacles that continue to " to exist. Women like Eloísa Díaz, like Elena Caffarena, Olguita Poblete and Amanda Labarca, have helped make this country for women a little better than before, but there is definitely more to do. "

" Students, academics and officials have been at the center of this wave that does not stop, and congratulations, "said Farid Zeran, vice president of extension and communications, the opening of the conversation day of our university and in collaboration with Google Chile, the discussion panel was organized, "Mujeres Sin Biombo: Pioneras del Siglo XXI" A discussion on the representation of women in fields such as academia, the private sector, and sport.

The event, which was attended by former President Michelle Bachelet, was held to commemorate the legacy of Eloísa Díaz, graduated from the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Chile.The first surgeon in the country and throughout Latin America.

The journalist Mónica Rincón participated as moderator, and the panel has been integrated by the university Cecilia Sepúlveda area; Adriana Noreña, vice president of Google for Hispanic America; Alicia Scherson, director and academic of the ICEI of our house of studies; and Fernanda Pinilla, selected among the women's football team and doctoral candidate in physics at the Faculty of Science of the University of Chile.

Eloísa Díaz Insunza graduated from the School of Medicine of the University of Chile in 1887 – where she studied in his mother's business and after a screen – after promulgation of the decree Amunátegui, which gave women of the time access to higher education.

For this reason, the question the panelists answered was: what are the screens? which still exists for women in contemporary society?

Dr. Cecilia Sepúlveda, first Dean of the Faculty of Medicine of our research house, said that the lack of complementarity between the roles of men and women, in the care of the family continues. exist, which still has consequences in university education and in the professional field.

He added that universities are built on a paradigm. Asculino who is still very marked.

"There are many obstacles and screens that are maintained over the years for women.A first barrier is internal: to dare, to believe that we can do things. there are a series of external barriers, among which I would mention as very important the lack of sharing of social or family roles and the professional role.This barrier lasts. "

Speaking of challenges and changes to move the agenda forward genre, director Alicia Scherson stressed the role of the media and, in particular, art, claiming that "without it is doubtful that this creates an imaginary with which we feed, that is why it is so important that there are more women who create, direct and invent these possible worlds. "

" It's about adding books, movies, fictional characters that " they are constructing models of family, of couple, so that we have a p read big universe. "

The football player, a graduate in physics and today a doctoral student in physics from the University of Chile, Fernanda Pinilla, reported: For example, the discrimination that he suffered Part of his environment when he started playing football.

"The barriers I had to cross I saw mainly in the parents of my friends. They had noted that football was a space reserved for men and forbidden girls to play with me and approach me, "said the left of the Chilean team

. Former President Michelle Bachelet was also present at the discussion, part of the audience.At the end of the activity, the former president shared her experience with those present, and expressed optimism about positive progress that the mbadive feminist movement will bring to the country, which has made headlines around the world.

The ex-president was delivering a speech in hand, but when she arrived at the front, she l & rsquo; left in the affirmation that "I do not intend to read", and recalling a series of anecdotes that she has experienced as a pioneer in different areas that have developed, in particular in recent years, she said: "there are good news in the country. I am super optimistic with the movement of little girls. "

In his words, the former president pointed out that" there is still a lot to do, a lot of things can be done and in every area we need to identify what the obstacles that continue to " to exist. Women like Eloísa Díaz, like Elena Caffarena, Olguita Poblete, Amanda Labarca, have helped make this country for women a little better than before, but there is no doubt that there is still a lot to do. "

" Students, academics and officials have been at the center of this wave that does not stop, and congratulations, "said Farid Zeran, vice president of extension and communications, the opening of the conversation day of our university and in collaboration with Google Chile, the discussion panel was organized, "Mujeres Sin Biombo: Pioneras del Siglo XXI" A discussion on the representation of women in fields such as academia, the private sector, and sport.

The event, which was attended by former President Michelle Bachelet, was held to commemorate the legacy of Eloísa Díaz, graduated from the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Chile.The first surgeon in the country and throughout Latin America.

The journalist Mónica Rincón participated as moderator, and the panel has been integrated by the university Cecilia Sepúlveda area; Adriana Noreña, vice president of Google for Hispanic America; Alicia Scherson, director and academic of the ICEI of our house of studies; and Fernanda Pinilla, selected among the women's football team and doctoral candidate in physics at the Faculty of Science of the University of Chile.

Eloísa Díaz Insunza graduated from the School of Medicine of the University of Chile in 1887 – where she studied in his mother's business and after a screen – after promulgation of the decree Amunátegui, which gave women of the time access to higher education.

For this reason, the question the panelists answered was: what are the screens? which still exists for women in contemporary society?

Dr. Cecilia Sepúlveda, first Dean of the Faculty of Medicine of our research house, said that the lack of complementarity between the roles of men and women, in the care of the family continues. exist, which still has consequences in university education and in the professional field.

He added that universities are built on a paradigm. Asculino who is still very marked.

"There are many obstacles and screens that are maintained over the years for women.A first barrier is internal: to dare, to believe that we can do things. there are a series of external barriers, among which I would mention as very important the lack of sharing of social or family roles and the professional role.This barrier lasts. "

Speaking of challenges and changes to move the agenda forward genre, director Alicia Scherson stressed the role of the media and, in particular, art, claiming that "without it is doubtful that this creates an imaginary with which we feed, that is why it is so important that there are more women who create, direct and invent these possible worlds. "

" It's about adding books, movies, fictional characters that " they are constructing models of family, of couple, so that we have a p read big universe. "

The football player, a graduate in physics and today a doctoral student in physics from the University of Chile, Fernanda Pinilla, reported: For example, the discrimination that he suffered Part of his environment when he started playing football.

"The barriers I had to cross I saw mainly in the parents of my friends. They had noted that football was a space reserved for men and forbidden girls to play with me and approach me, "said the left of the Chilean team

. Former President Michelle Bachelet was also present at the discussion, part of the audience.At the end of the activity, the former president shared her experience with those present, and expressed optimism about positive progress that the mbadive feminist movement will bring to the country, which has made headlines around the world.

The ex-president was delivering a speech in hand, but when she arrived at the front, she l & rsquo; left in the affirmation that "I do not intend to read", and recalling a series of anecdotes that she has experienced as a pioneer in different areas that have developed, in particular in recent years, she said: "there are good news in the country. I am super optimistic with the movement of little girls. "

In his words, the former president pointed out that" there is still a lot to do, a lot of things can be done and in every area we need to identify what the obstacles that continue to " to exist. Women like Eloísa Díaz, like Elena Caffarena, Olguita Poblete, Amanda Labarca, have contributed to this country for women being a little better than before, but there is no doubt that there is still a lot to do. "

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