Pizarro: "We must reach an agreement with the workers of Chuqui There is no alternative"


The CEO of Codelco has referred yesterday to the situation with the unions of the division compared to the departure of more than 1,000 people.

Codelco's CEO, Nelson Pizarro, yesterday referred to the tense situation that keeps the company in the Chuquicamata division, as a result of the transformation project that will involve becoming an underground site and that will involve the output of 1700 workers.

Pizarro went to the mines commission of the Chamber of Deputies, a body in He referred to the decision taken Wednesday by the Federation of Copper Workers, who decided not to go on strike – as requested by the unions in Chuqui- dialogue with the administration.

In this regard, Pizarro stated that yesterday they were aware of the determination of the FTC, which will badyze to decide next steps in the matter.

"Yesterday we learned that the Fede" Regarding copper workers, he will take the lead in talks with the administration, "he said.

He stated that" my impression is that in the long run, we should be able to reach an agreement with the workers.Chuquicamata, because there is no alternative. "

Critical Period

The new chairman of Codelco's board of directors, Juan Benavides, yesterday told MEPs that "the next few years are critical for Codelco."

very important for the implementation of structural projects, which in the case of Chuquicamata, Teniente, Andina and Salvador, can extend their operation in several decades and, therefore, the fact that these projects are still ongoing is essential for Codelco ", he said

Benavides added that "If the above is not achieved, the production of the mine has declined considerably from the age of seven. "

" The price of copper should be maintained "

Benavides was positive about the prospect of copper. The executive said that "copper demand in the world is estimated at a growth rate of 2% per annum and the copper supply will not exceed 1% per annum (…) which indicates that prices should be maintained "

Regarding the so-called commercial war, Benavides said that" in the case of China and the United States process and the latter with the European Union, the figures indicate that this represents about 7% of world trade, which would affect about 1.2% of copper demand.This is not relevant, "he said, explaining that he has seen an overreaction of the market.

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