Players sign a petition to capture 82-year-old YouTuber in The Elder Scrolls VI


A Reddit user, KevNevDoodles, noticed a comment by Shirley Curry in a video about possible dates for the upcoming movie The Elders Scrolls. Apparently, the sequel to Skyrim would only happen in 6 years, in 2024, which led Shirley to say that he would then be 88 years old and that he probably could not play it.

This user has been published by this user. showing his disappointment with the whole thing. This theme will have caught the attention of Nick Popp, creator of the petition on the website. The request is to give the player's grandmother a space in the game in the form of NPC, weapon or place.

The same petition says that Bethesda had already done something similar with Erik West, a great hero of the dead saga. cancer 6 months before the launch of Skyrim. We can find Erik in Skyrim with the name "Erik The Slayer" attending a tavern in Carrera Blanca. If you manage to convince your father, Erik will be able to accompany you in your adventures for Skyrim, as he has always dreamed.

Bethesda fans are now waiting for something similar with the release of the sequel to Skyrim and Shirley Curry. The "old player", as we call it, owns a YouTube channel with over 400,000 subscribers and, although he plays a lot and has vlogs, it has been rendered famous for its long Skyrim games downloaded from the Google Network. for more than three years.

The petition currently has more than 1,500 signatures and is currently 2,500, but we think it will ultimately depend on Bethesda's wishes. Curry is a well-known figure in the Elder Scrolls community thanks to the unusual feature of seeing a young player of his age and more and more playing video games. She is also very loved by her audience whom she calls her "grandchildren". We will have to wait to know how Bethesda will solve this problem.

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