Police must leave the land of ejido, judge of the order


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Ocoyoacac, Mexico.- A federal judge in Amparo has determined that the elements of the Federal Police and the Secretariat of State Security of Mexico that are in the communal property of San Jerónimo Acazulco and San Juan Coapanoaya, where the Mexico-Toluca intercity train is built, they must leave immediately.

The comuneros marched on the Mexico-Toluca highway to where the corporate camp is located, to issue a copy of the Fifth Judge's decision on Amparo and the federal judgments, to comply with the resolution.

The inhabitants of these towns in the Toluca Valley occupied the direction of the road that goes to Mexico and in the covers that they disagreed about the damage that the work He left them, such as the lack d & # 39; water.

Last April, federal and state elements entered the area at kilometer 37 to secure the return. The construction of the Mexico-Toluca intercity train, at the height of the population of San Jerónimo Acazulco, which had been interrupted since last January due to the opposition of the inhabitants of the region.

The Ministry of Communications and Transport (TCC) has requested the presence of the Federal Police and the State of Mexico to protect the workers as well as the mechanism involved in the project.

The Federal Agency said that these lands were acquired and paid to the owners, in addition to that the amparo 109/2017 was fired to prevent the work.

Santiago Pérez Alvarado, legal representative of the comuneros, announced that yesterday a federal magistrate ruled in favor of the ejidatarios: "We present the amparo and the day of today [lunes] the Fifth judge in amparo and federal judgments, in amparo 1.111 / 2018 granted us the suspension and request the withdrawal of the law enforcement.We inform the public that we have made a plan of suspension and that the police force is no longer in the communal property of San Jerónimo Acazulco and San Juan Coapanoaya. "

The lawyer stated that the departure of the members of the police companies must be executed, then that two of the largest applications from the residents of the cities that were affected by the rail project are unresolved.

"Just payment to lands that were occupied by more and which were not," said Mr. Perez.

The communeros hope that a dialogue table will be put in place in which the members of the communities who will participate, they have been affected by the construction of the intercity train, in which the integral sustainable plan is established and this project is reconsidered with the new federal government.

This project can not be a bridge to Tultepec and even the Santa Fe, while all the other people who have been affected is that the damage and not the benefits, we must rethink this project, how it will benefit those who have been affected by their land, "said the legal representative.

The comuneros, said Santiago Pérez, proposed that if the federal government does not want to pay for the land that were illegally occupied for the completion of the project, include them to receive a portion of the profits generated by the The operation of the suburban train.

"The companies that are dedicated to the construction of these works and their administration, all have public services on the stock market and I do not know why they should not have comuneros," he questioned. [ad_2]
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