Police operations: Only one of the 11 arrests was for major crimes


After Six Towers and National Police Operations Ordered by the Government A Report of Department of Public Information and the Carabineros Lobby of Chile confirmed that of 17,000 prisoners, only 1534 corresponded to crimes of greater connotation

In the so-called "war on crime" this type of operation is publicly highlighted and the President Sebastián Piñera badures that they go

According to this Wednesday La ​​Tercera the most connoted crimes correspond only to 8.9% of the total number of apprehensions, ie 910 those arrested for forcible robbery (5.2% of cases); 482 for intrafamilial violence (2.8%); 16 for violation (0.1%); for micro-traffic (0.1%); 59 by arrest warrant (0.3%); 16 for homicide (0.1%) and 50 for badual offense (0.3%).

Data provided by Carabineros also revealed that the higher percentage of arrests correspond to misdemeanors (21 percent), thefts (18 percent) , and violation of the Drug Act (16 percent), which accounted for a total of 55 percent of all arrests in this type of operation

The Impact of Arrests

In this line, Director of the Security Laboratory and former security officer of the Ministry of the Interior Eduardo Vergara reported to La ​​Tercera that the objective of the operations could not be translated into " number of detainees but rather to the impact that these arrests have on the security. "" The government authority must set goals and focus on the crimes that have the greatest impact on security . We note that most of the arrests are minor and easy-to-keep crimes related to theft, scams and alcohol, "Vergara added (19659010). the purpose of an operation but the impact of arrests on the security of our communities.This can not be a strategy of sweeping and warfare, but a tactical, professional and defined operation. "[19659005] It should be noted that of the 17,000 detainees, 11,063 were detained [19659003] 4,812 They were apprehended 461 went to prison 264 were transferred to the Court of Justice local police and 834 were released . [ad_2]
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