Police: Two people in critical condition in the UK after an incident with "substance"


British police on Tuesday night reported a serious incident after stating that a man and a woman in critical condition had been exposed to an unknown substance near the town of Salisbury, south of England

The Wiltshire police and badociates reported a serious incident this afternoon due to suspicions that two people may have been exposed to an unknown substance in Amesbury, "the security force said in a statement

. was summoned to an address on Muggleton Road, Amesbury, on Saturday afternoon (June 30) after a man and a woman, both in their forties, were found unconscious on a property, "he added. .

] Amesbury is located about 11 kilometers north of Salisbury, where the former Russian spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia became seriously ill in March after being poisoned with a neurotropic agent. Oxygen

Police said Wednesday that they initially believed that the man and woman of Amesbury could have used crack or heroin from a contaminated lot but added that other tests were in progress.

Health England (PHE) said: "PHE England's current recommendation, based on the number of victims affected, is that we do not believe that there is a significant risk to the health of the general public. will be evaluated on an ongoing basis as more information becomes available. "

The man and woman are being cared for at the Salisbury District Hospital, who continues to attend normally, the police said.

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