Pope Francisco receives Evo Morales and encourages him to work for solidarity and peace


The pontiff received yesterday the President of Bolivia, Evo Morales,
a 36-minute meeting in which the pope stressed the duty of
"Working for a world of solidarity and peace" and even talking about
The World Cup

The Vatican explained in a brief statement that "in
the cordial conversations "became clear" the positive
"bilateral relations, the updating of these was discussed, and
held an exchange of views on "the regional situation"
South America

The sixth meeting between the two began when the President
Bolivian greeted the pontiff with a "daddy brother", to whom this
he replied "welcome", and they both hugged each other in the
Tronetto of the Apostolic Palace.

Then they accessed the Library,
where the private meeting took place, and already sat the president pulled out
the theme of football, a sport to which both are fans: "How are you?
world Cup? ", he asked, what Francisco said" we will see, Argentina. "

Morales then indicated that" of the five South American nationals,
four qualified for the round of 16, referring to
Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Uruguay and Peru, since the latter
was eliminated

meeting ended 36 minutes later and gave way to the traditional
exchange of gifts, already attended by the presidential delegation.
Francisco and Morales said goodbye with a handshake at the door
of the Library and, immediately afterwards, the Bolivian leader met
Secretary of State Relations, Bishop Paul Richard

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