PPD accuses Sebastián Piñera of denigrating women for joke in mini-skirt


The National Women's Secretariat of the Party for Democracy (PPD) severely criticized President Sebastián Piñera and accused him of degradingly referring to the Chileans

. a joke in which he stated that "we will apply the ancient and wise principle of the miniskirt, which must be long enough to cover the fundamental and short enough to maintain tension".

By means of a statement, they claimed that regret "the lack of criteria in the words of the highest authority of the country, behavior unfortunately recurrent in him, how to use an anecdote to a clear badist connotation to found a public address and let her again demonstrate her lack of respect for women. "

" Her words reflect the prejudices and permanent micromachisms of her work and speech. women and the role badigned to them
weakens their capacities and relegates them to the historical and secondary role they feel they should play in their most profound jurisdiction, "the text adds.

PPD added that these crises "resuming all exaltation undermine the image and decency of who is supposed to drive the destiny of the country".

Even this Wednesday, the national secretary of PPD Women, Yolanda Pizarro; PS Vice-President Karina Delfino; the woman's chief of staff, Natalia Cuevas; and Jacqueline Castillo, Vice President of Women in Public Relations, will deliver a letter to La Moneda to President Piñera to express his frustration.

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