Pregnant women took generic Viagra for an experiment; 11 of these babies are dead


A group of Dutch doctors practiced an experiment on pregnant women whose babies had developmental problems in the womb: they received a generic version of the popular drug for male erectile dysfunction Viagra. The study revealed 11 dead babies.

The research wanted to know if the active ingredient could be beneficial for fetuses with low risk of growth and likely to be born prematurely so that their lives could be in danger ]

The Medical Center of the University of Amsterdam, the entity that performed the last test, took 183 pregnant women whose babies had fetal growth problems with underdeveloped placentas that could not provide neither oxygen nor sufficient nutrients. Of these women, 90 received placebos and 93 received sildenafil, a generic Viagra .

Specialists from at least 10 hospitals developed plans to investigate these mothers and their children until 2020. But the trial ] was abruptly canceled last week when a committee overseeing the survey found that babies with lung problems were born in more than expected.

After the births the terrible news began. The British newspaper The Guardian reports that 17 babies developed lung problems and 11 died.

The others Six babies of this same group suffered from similar complications, but managed to survive .

Investigators reported that newborns suffered from high blood pressure the lungs that killed them . It is feared that the drug causes hypertension in the lungs, which means that children receive very little oxygen.

By contrast, in the group of 90 women with three children developed pulmonary problems but none died of diseases that could be related to generic Viagra. Nine babies in this group died of independent problems

Between 10 and 15 women are still waiting to know if their child has been affected by the drugs, according to the British newspaper.

What gave them generic Viagra?

Viagra is considered a vasodilator drug, which opens the blood vessels and increases the flow and is generally prescribed to men with erectile dysfunction.

Based on previous research, specialists are investigating whether the drug could improve blood flow to the placenta, thereby promoting fetal growth .

The trial, indicates the scientific site LiveScience centered on ] pregnant women with fetuses who had a condition called intrauterine growth restriction by which it did not occur. There is not enough blood flow to the placenta, said specialist Ahmet Baschat, director of Fetal Therapy at Johns Hopkins University

Affected babies may lose their lives or have long-term growth problems .

The specialist indicates that it is a rare condition that affects less than 1% of pregnancies, but that is serious.

There is no evidence yet that specialists have mismanaged the study. In a statement to the media, they said: "Previous studies have shown that sildenafil would have a positive effect on the growth of babies." The first results of the current study have shown that there could be adverse effects for the baby. birth. "

In addition, the" positive effects "for the rest of the babies have not been found in other findings so far, the researchers said according to The Washington Post . "All adverse effects occurred after birth (…) the study stopped immediately."

Now the specialists are focusing on what s & # 39;

The pharmacist who owns Viagra, Pfizer, has issued a statement in which they state that the laboratory has no relationship in this study and that Dutch specialists were using a generic version Sildenafil

"Pfizer has not participated in any aspect of this trial, neither funded nor provided products for the test (…) In addition, the researchers confirmed that a generic version not made by Pfizer was used for sildenafil, "states the statement .

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