Prepare for battle for Azeroth! – The preparation will arrive on July 17th


Warcraft – After the Sargeras badault on Azeroth, tensions between the Alliance and the Horde will explode into a total war. But before the storm begins, we announce that the pre-expansion battle patch for Azeroth will arrive on July 17th.

The pre-expansion battle patch for Azeroth includes a variety of features and changes in the system. expansion, which includes:

The arrival of the re-expansion patch will bring significant changes to many of the game's clbades and specifications. Players will soon be able to start training with their spells and enhanced abilities. , which will give them an advantage when they embark on the adventure of Kul Tiras or Zandalar in the expansion, and will seek even more power.

Players can turn war mode on or off as long as they are in Orgrimmar or Stormwind. When the mode is activated, players can venture into the world to participate in world PvP with other like-minded adventurers looking for a fight no matter which kingdom they are in. lie.

Players will be able to create and join Communities between Realms, a new type of social group that facilitates connection and plays with the adventurers of your faction who share common interests.

In the coming weeks, players will embark on a series of missions that will tell the story of the events that led to the expansion, stay tuned …

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