President Daniel Ortega says violence in Nicaragua has been funded | news


Since April 18, there has been a wave of violence in Nicaragua that has promoted violent groups linked to the opposition of the Sandinista government of the president Daniel Ortega who made several calls for dialogue for peace in the country of Central America

In an exclusive interview with the president of teleSUR the journalist Patricia Villegas the president delivered his opinion in almost 100 days of the violence that affected his country.

The President stated that in recent months there has been an "accumulation of violence", which has been stronger since the return of the Sandinista National Liberation Front ( FSLN ) in 2007. "It had not disappeared (the violence) of our country, even if we had reached peace," he said.

"Representatives of the United States ( USA ) and groups They told the people that it was not necessary to vote for the Front because & # 39; There would still be hostility to them, "he said, adding that they" could not understand or equate that the Front would make the government electoral. "

[19459007 Reissue of the 1980s war

The balance is broken with entrepreneurs, says the president. Despite the growth of the economy, which was produced by the agreement between the government and the business bloc, Ortega accuses "a group of congressmen enemies of all that is the Revolution "of the final break. 19659002] "The poison put by American interventionism at Nicaragua that's the root of the problem." If USA respected the country, it would respect what the Nicaraguans decided, regardless of the ideology, respect an agreement between the country, the workers and the employers, the contractors would work with Nicaragua ", says

On the other hand, he stated that many acts of violence were protected by the country's Catholic Church and echoed the words of Cardinal Leopoldo Brenes. "He said" we must fight for peace, the most important is peace, "he said.

Church Participation

He clarified that all Episcopal Conferences are not part of this conspiracy of violence, because "these are cases of priests who lent their temples to become barracks, they even tortured people that they captured, in the presence of a priest, "he said

The commander pauses to emphasize the role of Pope Francis in the conflict and to thank his call for understanding." He is always for peace, unquestionably , in that he is very firm, defending the struggle for peace. "

Regarding the implementation of a reform, the President pointed out that today more than ever, it is urgent to approve it. "But we must seek how to do it, reach a consensus." ociale can not be supported, let alone with the blow that the economy has suffered, "he said.

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