President of the CDE and Penta case: "Here is a twisted interpretation of the law"


Maria Eugenia Manaud, President of the State Defense Council (CDE), clearly expressed her dissatisfaction, after the decision of Prosecutor Manuel Guerra to offer a short trial to the controllers of Penta and Pablo Wagner amend to exclude bribery offenses, which excluded them from the process.

Manaud expressed that it was "surprising" the provisions of Guerra, besides stating that had been informed by the press of the agreement between the ministry In an interview with El Mercurio, the president of the CDE acknowledged that she did not expect Guerra to dismiss corruption and corruption crimes from the investigation.

"I did not experience any cases in which a formalization was made, in terms of absolute exclusion of facts that constitute certain types of crimes that, without the purpose of exercising The action of

When asked about the actions of Manuel Guerra, Maria Eugenia Manaud pointed out that "is a twisted interpretation of the law," noting that "this is not provided in the code to make a re-formalization in the terms that were made – with the suppression of the facts and crimes – and that the complainant be excluded. "

With respect to Guerra's arguments, considering that the antecedents were not strong for one charge for the two illicit, Manaud stated that they are" unsatisfactory because before , with the same accused background, "stating that" the crime could be proven. There were emails and some testimonials. "

Faced with this, the State Defense Council will appeal to the Santiago Court of Appeal to overturn the decision of the eighth Court of Guarantee

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