President Piñera Appoints New National Director of SENCE


  Juan Manuel Santa Cruz (Sence)

President Sebastián Piñera appointed national director of the National Service of Training and Employment (SENCE), the commercial engineer and magister in the public policies of the Adolfo Ibáñez University, Juan Manuel Santa Cruz Campaña

This 32-year-old professional has distinguished himself as a manager and public policy researcher with experience in designing, executing, and executing projects. evaluation, both in the state and in universities. He has directed the Institute of Social Innovation of the Universidad del Desarrollo and the Innovation Division of the Ministry of Economy.

Santa Cruz described his appointment as one of his greatest challenges: "The National Training and Employment Service is an excellent tool, concrete help to workers and to all Chileans who seek to integrate into the world of work Transforming the Sense into a modern and transparent service, offering better opportunities and helping those who really need it, will be at the center of our work. "

The new director Sence's National is a Masters in Public Administration (MPA) from the Harvard University and Magister in Economics and Public Policy of the University Adolfo Ibáñez. He was Head of the Innovation Division of the Ministry of Economy and was responsible for managing the Innovation Fund for Competitiveness (FIC).

"We must modernize Sense, be able to prepare people for jobs today. and those of the future. We must be able to adapt to the specific needs of every corner of the country and not have a centralized response to the needs of local improvement, "he said.

Santa Cruz was born in Concepción, is married, has two daughters, plays in Evópoli and is a member of the Chilean Federation of Andinism

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