President Piñera participated in the 35th anniversary of UDI


President Sebastián Piñera arrived at Los Buenos Muchachos, Cumming Street, in downtown Santiago, to participate in the anniversary of the Independent Democratic Union.

The 35th anniversary of the union shop is marked by the party's internal elections, which will measure the current helmsman, Jacqueline van Rysselberghe, in front of the head of the caucus of deputies, Javier Macaya.

"We hope that this is not a measure of the strengths between the lists, it is the 35th anniversary of our party, it is an important date for all activists.We hope that it is not a campaign event, but a party that makes us all fit and well, said the trade union leader at Emol.

Similarly, the profile was reduced to the possible support of government authorities to the Macaya list because it emphasized that "the IUD has changed because the vote of a minister is worth the same as the vote of an activist or the head of a commune".

On the other hand, the deputy Guillermo Ramírez, who supported the option Macaya, pointed out that "we do not play here that is more accommodating with La Moneda but if the UDI is the popular party that must be, unitary "He said.

The internal elections of the community will take place on December 2.

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