President Piñera will testify as a witness in the SQM case


Prosecutor Pablo Gómez requests the declaration of 600 other persons, among whom stand the current ministers Felipe Larraín (Finance) and Nicolás Monckeberg (Labor)

After the Office of the Prosecutor will request the statement of President Sebastián Piñera witness , as part of the investigation into the SQM case; Today, government spokeswoman Cecilia Perez confirmed the president 's willingness to provide badistance stating that "the president has been called upon to collaborate as a witness in this case and as he has done so. has done in the past and as his own conviction of equality before the law, President Piñera will collaborate with justice. "

Piñera already declared in May 2017 in the so-called Exalmar case, for more than two hours before the prosecutor Manuel Guerra, setting the address on this occasion in his offices in Apoquindo 3000, where operates Chile Vamos

It should be noted that the public prosecutor in the SQM case, Pablo Gómez, has lodged a complaint against 16 accused of bribery, bribes and tax offenses. the declaration of 600 other people, among whom stand out the current ministers Felipe Larraín (Treasury) and Nicolás Monckeberg (Labor), as well as the former representatives of the first government of Sebastián Piñera, Cristián Larroulet and Laurence Golborne

New President of the CNTV

Regarding the appointment of the new president of the CNTV, Catalina Parot to replace Gastón Gómez, who finally gave up for personal reasons to badume this post, but will continue in as director of the same organization; the state secretary stated that the work of CNTV had no impact because "the advisor Andrés Egaña acted as acting president, so the institutionality of the CNTV did not have any impact. was not diminished by the resignation for personal reasons "of Gastón Gómez and affirmed that" Parot has all the conditions to devote himself to direct an organization as important as the CNTV ".

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