Presidente Hernández oversees the modern cranes that arrived in Puerto Cortés (Video)


The facts and not the words. As part of the Visit Surprise program, President Juan Orlando Hernández received the Panamax Ship-to-Shor Super-Post cranes in Puerto Cortés, the only and largest cranes in the region to be installed in Pier 6. [19659002] The total extension and equipment work on Pier 6 is $ 150 million (about 3,600 million lempiras), which includes the price of innovative cranes imported from China.

The two cranes cost 26 million dollars (about 624 million lempiras). To date, the project has generated more than 300 direct and indirect jobs.

"A few years ago we promised to change the history of the port, to promote the creation of jobs, attract investment and improve competitiveness". Hernández in his official Twitter account

These two cranes reinforce the development of Puerto Cortés and boost regional trade through the customs union of Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador, the countries of the North Triangle of Mexico. ;Central America. 19659002] In addition, with these cranes, the country is taking a big step and becoming a reference in the region, as it will increase by 50% the capacity of the port terminal to accommodate larger vessels and increase its operational capacity. [19659002] Historico

The President, in his official account Facebook Live, pointed out that "this is something historic for the country, for Central America, because it allows us consolidate the concept that Puerto Cortés becomes the port of reference in the region. "

" I remind the porteños that about eight years ago I told them that we were going to change the history of this port and that there is now evidence, he added, that this work translated into greater competitiveness, investment, more jobs and a better standard of living for Hondurans. [19659002] The terminal has an additional 350 meters of existing 800 pier and a depth of 14.5 meters with the possibility of extending it to 15.5 meters in the future.

"Puerto Cortés is again the port of reference in the Central and Central America region ", said Hernánde 19659002] "This means more capacity for investment, job creation and a better standard of living for Hondurans."

An Example for the Region

The Director General of The Central American port operator (OPC), Mariano Turnes, explained that these cranes mark a historical fact and "that Honduras will no longer have any type of restriction on the operation of large vessels." [19659002] He stated that this effort means that a Uro will create more sources of work

In the live broadcast, President Hernandez asked the head of the OPC the following:

How does this place Honduras, Puerto Cortés, with regard to the ports of the region? How do we complete and what is the cargo movement for Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador?

Turnes replied that "clearly today Puerto Cortés is the first port of Central America, first port in terms of security, first port of personal development, the first port to an effective level and with competitive rates. "

He expressed that now" the countries of the region take us as an example and this makes us very proud, We must now work hand in hand with the vision we have as a country. "[19659007] "Let us be proud of what we have received, as this will make us a very important region in the sector and help us compete with the North and South Sectors," said Juan Alvino Ortiz, who is the chief supervisor of operations.

The cranes will take a month of adjustments and tests to be operational in early September.


– A Post-Panamax crane fully loading and unloading vessels that are too wide to cross the Panama Cbad, generally 18 containers wide

– These cranes have an approximate weight from 800 to 900 tons.

– The cranes leave Shanghai last May 12 on a ship ZPMC and arrived in Puerto Cortés last Saturday.

Today is a historic day in Honduras and Central America; The arrival of the Super Post Panamax cranes will mark a before and after in the competitiveness of Puerto Cortés and will strengthen its title of port of reference in the region! Let's be proud! #HondurasAvanza

– Juan Orlando H. (@JuanOrlandoH) July 24, 2018

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