Presidents of Parliament spread their commitment against corruption and for development


The 13 Presidents of Parliament from different countries who gathered during the last three days in Buenos Aires Friday issued a document in which they committed to work together to fight against unemployment, corruption and for the development and empowerment of women and young people.

Among their challenges, there was also the search for a "better education for the new era of technology and innovation, and the commitment to multilateralism" in the new global scheme, according to the text published at the end of the deliberations of the National Congress.

The Summit of Speakers of Parliament (P20) and ] The Parliamentary Forum was organized by the Argentine Congress and the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) as a prelude to the G20 Summit of Presidents to be held in Bue. United States at the end of the month.

13 members of Parliament and 200 representatives of Parliament attended the Congress meeting.

Provisional Speaker of the Senate, Federico Pinedo, stated that "There is consensus among countries to strengthen multilateral global policies based on equitable rules that promote integration.

Pinedo warned, in this context, that "politics can not generate strong macroeconomic imbalances to achieve short-term electoral benefits, at the expense of increased poverty and poverty." # 39; exclusion ".

"These policies generate a direct impact on mbad migrations that harm the country and others," he said.

During the forum, topics on the global agenda were discussed, such as Financing for Development, Fighting Corruption, Advocating for Multilateralism for Sustainable Trade, and Promoting Globalization. future of work.

The summit culminated in a joint declaration adopted by consensus by the Presidents of Parliament

. The Agreement to reconfirm the 2030 Agenda as a roadmap for just, equitable and sustainable development on the planet seeking to improve international collaboration.

"We are committed to working together to find and apply durable solutions to the following challenges: the future of work, development finance, the fight against corruption, the empowerment of women and youth, education for the new era of technology and innovation and the renewed commitment to multilateralism ", supported the text approved by Telam.

Participants They recognized in the document that "the world is witnessing an unprecedented scale of displacement and that we need to increase our preparedness and our ability to protect vulnerable groups and better manage migration and refugees".

They also reaffirmed that "women play an important role in socio-economic development" and have "gladly badyzed the strategy advocated by the Argentine presidency to incorporate gender perspective into the world. G20 agenda. "

Parliamentarians also expressed their" concern "at the" erosion of public confidence in institutions of democratic governance "and reaffirmed their" commitment to continue to effective, representative, inclusive and accessible parliaments that serve the people and hold governments to account. "

As part of the closing of the proceedings, the Vice-President Gabriela Michetti hosted a luncheon with women Speakers of Parliament and participated in a forum on the empowerment of women on the global agenda.

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