Prevencionista of the German Sanatorium points to GasSur by explosion


Patricio Cbades, the risk prevention specialist of the German Sanatorium, in a voluntary statement to the IDP, badured that a manager of the company Gas Sur gave him the "ok" to return to the premises, despite the danger due to the fuel leak.

In his testimony, published today by the newspaper "La Tercera" points after the call of monitor monitoring center Hector Barria, contacted the staff Gas Sur, who cut off the supply of Then they informed that officials and outpatients could return.

Cbades badures that "I asked the manager of Gas Sur if there were any risks and if we could get into people." He replied, "we're fine," So I went to the security zone to inform the officials and others who were there, that Gas Sur informs us that we were with the leak contained and that we are going back to the facilities. "There was a lot of gas smell, so I told them we would go to the air," says the professional on April 21 in his testimony before the civilian police.

On site, Cbades specifies that "I went to the place and the truth is that it was difficult for me to detect the smell of gas, it was almost imperceptible. When I saw the Where the leak was, I saw that it was a hole in the ground where the work was being done and the hiss that emanated from it was very strong. "19659005]. I must indicate that I have never seen a sign indicating that there were underground gas pipes. Adding that this building was built for about 15 years and no work was done in this hallway for at least the time that I worked on the site. "

Three people died and their relatives complained of the homicide explosion, where the Office of the Prosecutor of Concepción seeks to determine possible negligent or" negligent "actions in the deaths of the victims and injuries to 46 other persons, including local officials and patients

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