Prevent them from spying on your WhatsApp conversations


If you are someone who thinks you could be spied by WhatsApp maybe you should be more careful with handling your device because even though whatsapp has one ] encryption that prevents anyone from accessing your conversations, there is another way by which they can access your information and even interact in your conversations.


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  Official: Honor arrives in Mexico with his Honor V10 and his equipment 7X   Official: Honor arrives in Mexico with his equipment Honor V10 and 7X

WhatsApp Web is the function that the instant messaging application should use in PC p or if anyone who Has access to internet, laptop or desktop and control your phone for a few minutes to access your conversations.


At the beginning of WhatsApp Web there was no way for the user to be notified by phone that anyone was connected from a computer, that's how the notification arrived on your cell phone that tells you " WhatsApp Web is actually ."

Obviously, if you find this message on your phone and you do not Are not the one who accessed WhatsApp Web someone spying your messages.


The solution is very simple because it suffices by pressing the notification. Then you can see a window that will show the devices with open sessions . If you recognize a session that is certainly not yours, click on the option you suspect and disconnect.

If you do not know what your session is, it is best to turn off your Internet connection on your phone. You must also close the session on your PC otherwise the person who was spying on you could access it again when you reconnect to the Internet.

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