Preventive prison for author of fatal shootings in Punta Arenas


Sergio Quinchamán Hernández, aged 42, remained in preventive prison, formalized by to carry out a shooting in a house in the south sector of Punta Arenas in the Magallanes region, which ended to the life of Marcela Soto, 54.

According to the story presented to the hearing of formalization, it all started when Quinchamán, with two people, tried to & 39 39 39 39 enter the victim's house, where a party was taking place, be thrown out of the place since they did not know him.

"They knocked on the door and that's what guy said to me" I remembered you ", I did not answer him and I closed the door, they still struck and when I opened, in the head "said Marcelo Cárcamo, son of the fatal victim.

He added that after that, he closed the door and undertook to protect his mother by listening to several blows . After the shooting, the victim complained of pain and they noticed that she was injured, which ultimately cost her life

" We do not know why the defendant had to do it. were because they would have thrown it out of this party, but everything is subject of investigation for the moment, "informed at Cooperativa the prosecutor on duty, Sebastián González.

Although the defense tried to obtain house arrest for the accused supporting collaboration in the investigation and previous blameless behavior, as the prosecutor's office was not enough, formalizing the subject of homicide consummated against the woman and attempted murder against her son .

The period of investigation was set at four months and Quinchamán faces a [20 000 ans] penalty of for both crimes . [ad_2]
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