Pro-government parliamentarians reject a new arson in La Araucanía | National


Pro-government parliamentarians rejected the new arson in La Araucanía and agreed that there was a lack of coordination between the police.

In this context, a series of attacks have been recorded in recent weeks in the region, the last one occurred on the road between Cajón and Vilcún, and badigned a farm that has some measures to protect the carabineers.

After that, Senator Evópoli, Carmen Gloria Aravena, emphasized that we should not think that the attackers are grbadroots organizations, but that they have a high level of intelligence.

Regarding the effectiveness of the so-called "Jungle Command" , which is in the regions of Bío Bío, La Araucanía and Los Ríos, the senator of the region, said that he should still receive time, since he did not been active only for a few weeks.

The representative of the National Renewal, José García Ruminot, said that with all the plans that are in the region, hopes that there are discussions to end the violence . 2018/07 / cradle-reactions-ruminot.mp3

Both agreed that there was a lack of coordination, mainly police officers, since they have ensured that even if she helps the police to protect her, she is perfectly vulnerable.

In addition, on this Tuesday, all senators of Chile Vamos will meet with President Sebastián Piñera, so they expect that the attacks that took place in Araucania will make part of the talks . 19659010] window.fbAsyncInit = function () {
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