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LIMA (Reuters) – Production Copper, gold and silver prices Peru's money fell in the first half due to lower contributions in the country's largest mines, while zinc rose, the government said on Tuesday. percent between January and June compared with the same period last year, to 1,173,694 metric tons; while gold fell 4.95 percent to 69,324,654 fine grams, said the Ministry of Energy and Mines on its website.
"The decline in copper is explained by the lower levels recorded by Antamina and Las Bambas, despite the fact that Sociedad Minera Cerro Verde showed a recovery of 9.3 percent, and only in June that production domestic copper fell 3.4 percent from the previous month. "
As for gold production, he adds that it has declined due to lower volumes obtained by Barrick Misquichilca , Minas Buenaventura and Yanacocha; but in June, it rose by 2.1% compared to the previous month
Peru is a major world exporter of metals, with the second place as the world's largest producer of copper and zinc and the sixth largest in gold .
The sector is vital in the economy because its sales account for 60% of its exports
Next, the production of metals from Peru in June and the first half in metric tons (MTF), at the 39 except for gold and silver in grams and kilograms, and their variation from the same month or period of 2017.
Metals Variation JUNE% JAN – JUNE Variac.
COPPER (TMF) 206.924 -1.58 pc 1,173,694 -0,15 pct
OR (Gr.fines) 12,323,681 -2,57 pc 69,324,654 -4.95 pct
ZINC (TMF) 123,957 -1 , 68 pct 742,877 4,91 pct
SILVER (Kg.fines) 353,621 -13.05 pct 2,067,037 -5.37 pct
LEAD (TMF) 23,429 -14.59 pct 136.104 -10.1 pct
IRON (TMF) 615.830 -23.55 pc 5.030.466 9.77 pct
MOLYBDENUM (TMF) 2.244 -25.48 pct 13.069 2.63 pct
TIN (TMF) 1 647 -3.17 pc 8 880 0.79 pc
( Report by Marco Aquino, edited by Silene Ramírez)
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