"Progressive collective": the PPD proposal that divides the opposition again | National


The arrival of the new president of the Party for Democracy (PPD) Heraldo Muñoz which was ratified in his position by the Supreme Court of the community, already generates differences by his appeal to create a ] "Progressive collective" with related parties, thus opening the debate on unity in opposition.

"This indispensable unity is an electoral unit, but that does not mean that we can build a progressive, modern collective that meets the needs and demands of the middle clbad," he said.

Ernesto Velasco Chairman of the Radical Party, expressed his differences according to the proposal of the PPD and called to have a common minimum the opposition parties.

Similarly, Velasco baderted that this unity is necessary respecting ideological differences and has ensured that diversity in the opposition is a force

. We must seek the unity of the opposition. Do not force things . There are parties that have ideological and programmatic definitions, and we will continue to have them. The fact is that the house is what it is, "he said.

All this amid doubts about the future of political alliances, where the president of the DC, Fuad Chahín stopped working again with the Communist Party, a group that undertook to review the tone of statements such as those on Venezuela to safeguard good relations.

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