Prosecutor demands 15 years in prison for the former carabinero for consummate homicide of young natalino


T ras
eleven days of oral trial against three accused, yesterday the judges
of the Oral Criminal Court sentenced only one of them for the
crime of murder consumed for the death of a young natalino.

According to the verdict rendered yesterday by the judges Luis Álvarez Valdés,
President, Jovita Soto Maldonado and Julio Álvarez Toro, was sentenced to
Excarabinero Miguel Delgado Velásquez for the crime of homicide
consumed to the detriment of the fatal victim, Gonzalo Muñoz del Campo,
while he added another conviction for less serious injuries against
Víctor Hernández With regard to serious injuries sustained by the other
involved, Sady Galindo, the magistrates decided to acquit him.

another defendant, Sebastián Cáceres Alonso, the judges decided
Convict him for the crime of serious injury to the detriment of Sady Galindo
Soto, while he was acquitted of the crime of homicide to the detriment of
Gonzalo Muñoz.

the other former carabinier, Pedro Loncuante Loncuante, was acquitted of all
charges brought by the Office of the Prosecutor and the complainants: "With regard to
homicide offense to a degree consumed of which he was responsible
Miguel Delgado Velásquez, we will now say that the test that was handed
in the trial and especially the words of the expert of the Medical Service
Lawyer Javier Muñoz Lora and neurosurgeon doctor Gianpero Colagiovanni T
have been decisive in proving that the death of Gonzalo Muñoz
Field, made otherwise public and notorious, was the result of the
his aggression on the part of Miguel Delgado Velásquez, who
caused the wounds that left him in a neurovegetative state and that
eventually led to his death, "says the court's ruling,
reject the legitimate defense raised by Delgado's defense.

The verdict continues to state that "the Crown and
private prosecutors have failed to accredit the participation of
Loncuante and Cáceres in the crime of homicide against Gonzalo Muñoz
del Campo and Delgado in the crime of serious injuries against
Sady Galindo Soto, since the evidence provided, did not exceed the standard of
reasonable doubt. "

The sentence will be rendered Monday, July 9 at 1 pm.
in the offices of the Punta Arenas Criminal Court, after
finish the trial in Puerto Natales. The Office of the Prosecutor seeks to
Miguel Delgado Velásquez is sentenced to 15 years in prison
for the homicide.

Father of Gonzalo

to know the verdict, the reactions did not wait and the
first to give his impression of failure was Alejandro Muñoz, father of the
young man died "Let's stay with the lesson that left us Gonzalo,
Respect, loyalty and love for life. It caused us pain all together
family, the birth community and the same family of this person and
There is a pain in your colleagues. When you did something wrong, I have to pay
for it. May this pain never be repeated, more and more
Natales, which is a city of peace. That does not send us back to our
son and for this reason I will never be satisfied with the fact that he was sentenced.

Office of the Prosecutor

for his part the persecutor, Magallanes regional prosecutor, Eugenio Campos,
indicated that "the accused was found guilty of a crime of
murder, which was the pretext of the public prosecutor's office.
As for the other accused Loncuante we have our apprehensions as well
that we are waiting for the decision in relation to the testimony of
people who have seen him attack him. With regard to injuries
by Mr Cáceres should be kept in custody and we are
wait for the decision where we will oppose any benefit in
the freedom that seeks his defense. The court must take care of the pain
from a family, and that Gonzalo is not with us. "

Pradenas, prosecutor of the Judicial Assistance Corporation and
representative of Gonzalo Muñoz's parents, indicated that "according to
death was recognized and the crime was considered
homicide consumed and that is evaluated. The absolution of
the other defendants, since we have the belief that they have had
participation in the badault against Gonzalo. The work of the unit
victims was intense in the psychological support of parents of
Gonzalo. "

Sady Galindo

relationship with the injuries suffered by the victim Sady Galindo, his
complainant plaintiff Ramón Ibáñez indicated that "we have obtained a conviction for
the offense of serious prejudice, without prejudice to our accusation
cular e ra
against two accused, Delgado who was acquitted of the injuries and
He sentenced Cáceres. We have to wait for failure because in my opinion there is
More than enough to prove the wounds. L & # 39; expert
The forensic service has clearly indicated that the
fractures of the ribs and jaws of my depicted were provoked with
a stick, precisely the only one who had a stick in his hands was the
Mr. Delgado, so let's see how the court of
this situation. "


Elgueta, defense lawyer for Pedro Loncuante Loncuante, an official of
Carabineros unloaded on the day of events, in connection with the
The acquittal of his representative indicated that "I want to be careful and we do not
This can manifest itself until the sentence. These are facts that are
regrettable, but in accordance with the situation of my representative. Right here
had to prove two situations, the wrongful act and on the other hand
the participation of the accused. With regard to Pedro Loncuante
the defense has always held the acquittal, because the facts that the prosecution
you could not be credited because they did not arrive and the
The Court has determined our position. In the test, there was no trace
the participation of my representative. "

Attorney Juan Carlos Rebolledo, who represents the former carabiner who was
convicted of attempted murder, he argued that "we start from
the base that my representative was defended and that something did, so no
we are surprised by the conviction, what causes us the strangeness is that the
court convicted of a murder crime consummated did not give
possibility to argue by rejecting self defense. Now we have to
wait for the sentence and we are looking for a just sentence with
mitigating factors that we invoke as irreproachable prior conduct and
collaboration with the trial. We believe that my client does not deserve the
15 years in prison required by the Office of the Prosecutor. "

the defense lawyer Pablo Chandia, compared to his represented
Sebastián Cáceres Alonso said that "my client has been charged with two
facts, one of Gonzalo Muñoz's homicide and the second against
Sady Galindo. With respect to homicide, we still ensure that Sebastian does not
had the participation and that was demonstrated with the same proof of
Office of the Prosecutor We are in agreement and in relation to the verdict for injuries
I am not happy with the badessment. But my clear representation
that he can serve the sentence in lib
ertad or even that he is considered to have accomplished for this year that he was deprived of liberty. "


According to the prosecutor's charge, at 5:30 am early morning of Saturday, July 8 of last year,
victims: Muñoz del Campo, Galindo Soto and Hernández Saldivia
across the intersection of Eberhard and Magallanes streets, in full
the center of the city of Puerto Natales, when the three accused
descended from a vehicle, during which an argument was triggered. In
the place, Cáceres Alonso would have hit with a strength element in
head to Sady Galindo Soto in addition to kicking him and
fist in various parts of the body. Meanwhile, Delgado Velásquez
attacked Víctor Hernández Saldivia with a stick, badaults to which
Loncuante Loncuante has been added. In the scrum, the victim, Gonzalo Muñoz
del Campo, fallen to the ground, being beaten by the exuniformados

After that, the three accused had fled the scene in two vehicles, leaving the victims seriously injured on public roads.


yesterday afternoon, more than thirty people gathered in the Plaza de
Weapons from Puerto Natales, where they demonstrated against freedom
of one of the

defendants and excarabinero, all in the custody of the police, or by
moments took the streets with banners. Thereafter
headed towards the front of the second police station of the capital of the
Province of Last Hope. In the Special Forces demonstration of
Carabineros arrested two people for riots

Preventive prison

two convicted defendants will be held in pre-trial detention, where the
Sebastián Cáceres's defense tried to alter, however, the court
determined that he will continue to be deprived of his freedom while waiting for
sentence, because
both were under the protection of gendarmerie officials, who were 11 days of trial in
Puerto Natales to safeguard the security of the court. Miguel Delgado
Velásquez, after the trial was transferred yesterday to the complex
Penitentiary of Punta Arenas, while Cáceres will remain in prison
from Puerto Natales.

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