Prosecutor investigating abuses in Chilean church confirms destruction of evidence


The prosecutor investigating the allegations of badual abuse in the Chilean Church confirmed on Monday that there was destruction of evidence by religious in an attempt by hiding and obstructing investigations.

In his letter to the bishops on Pope Francis noted "that in serious anomalies, could be detected precisely the destruction of documents by those who were in charge of the archives We consider this affirmation to be true ", said the public prosecutor Emiliano Arias consulted by journalists.

"It is already under investigation and we must now determine who specifically destroyed and specifically antecedents ," added the persecutor

For months, the Catholic Church of Chile has been shaken by a series of allegations of badual abuse and concealment. Two weeks ago, the priest Óscar Muñoz right-hand man of the cardinal Ricardo Ezzati entered as prisoner before the prosecutor Arias on August 21st.

According to a cadastre handed over a week ago by the National Prosecutor's Office, a total of 158 bishops, priests and laymen were or are the subject of an investigation for badual abuse at the Chile since 1960.

The prosecution also 266 victims, including 178 children and adolescents victims of badual abuse committed by members linked to the Catholic Church and 36 investigations opened, while 108 are already completed.

In a first statement on the subject, President Sebastián Piñera said this weekend that the authorities of the Chilean Catholic Church "could have and should have avoided many abuses and many of suffering to the Chilean children and for me too It hurts me deeply. "

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