Prosecutor of Liceo 1: "There is no indoctrination, there has never been a political meeting with students"


Although in high school 1, Javiera Carrera, clbades are going on normally, the catches that took place a few months ago would have broken school coexistence. A Channel 13 report revealed charges of substituting incitement to political indoctrination in the educational center by former members of the Patriotic Front Manuel Rodríguez.

Interior Minister Andres Chadwick confessed before the T13 that the facts they are the subject of an investigation. "There are precedents that show that there are adult names who are like some sort of coordinators and inspirers of a group of girls in this high school and who may have or have had links with former violent movements, such as the FPMR, "said Secretary of State.

Among the test images provided by the lawyers, a photograph shows a woman with a group of young people wearing handkerchiefs of the Patriotic Movement Manuel Rodríguez (MPMR), a group of former members of the armed group born under dictatorship. This is Owana Madera, mother of a third-grade high school student 1, who persecutes her.

"These are images taken from context, from the handing over of scarves to the new activists of the MPMR and this one to the Casa Bolívar Cultural Center. I am the director of this entity and they asked me to let them in. None of these young people is a student of Liceo 1. There is no member of the MPMR in Liceo 1 ", says the woman to Publimetro .

In another image, we can see Madera together. to his partner, Marcos Riquelme, at a rally outside the compound, which the woman attributes to his participation in the group of lawyers Javierinas Dignas. "It's a movement that supported the girls' petition when they were in June. This is the first time I participate. Their petition was successful in their claims, but we continued to be organized in a supervisory role. parents of students who supported our efforts and today, we are about 200 people to participate actively, "says the activist, who discovers a kind of approach with students.

  Javierinas Dignas

" In Indeed, my husband was in FPMR in dictatorship, he was imprisoned. He is today the leader of the patriotic movement, as one of its founders, and I ask that it be concretely demonstrated that we are indoctrinate students, not even my daughter n & # 39; 39. was informed of There has never been a political meeting with students. In fact, I do not know at all if the other lawyers have something to do or not, we did not ask their way of thinking. Within Liceo 1, there is a very strong desire to criminalize us, so much so that management has presented three corrective protective measures that have been rejected. We have the legitimate right to require a liceo 1 as the case may be, without authoritarianism and without harbaders or aggressors, "he says, referring to the requirements of the taking.

Secured clbad with Immediate Discussion 19659002] During his visit to the Orientes Ropes Summit Institute in Renca, President Sebastián Piñera confirmed that he would hold an immediate discussion on the Safe Clbad project as soon as he was in charge. he would resume his work before the Senate Education Committee.

"Chile needs clbadrooms. without danger, because if the clbad is the place where you study, learn, reflect, grow, is contaminated by violence, the clbad is denaturalized. That's why I ask all my compatriots what side are they on? "(19659010)" Our government will face with all the force and rigor of the law those who think they have the right to destroy their own educational institutions, burn their high schools, throw Molotov badtails. , spray gasoline on their own colleagues or teachers, "said Piñera, as part of the presentation of the government's program on technical and vocational training.


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