PT says he will not accept more violence against Lula in Brazil | news


President of the Workers' Party ( PT ) of Brazil and Senator, Gleisi Hoffmann declared that they would no longer accept of violence against former President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, so "he will be free and will be president."

At a press conference, Hoffmann said that "we will not accept more violence against Lula he will be free and will be president" (.. For workers' rights and the poorest population, to save the sovereignty of the country.

The President of the PT noted that the release of the former president and his eventual candidacy for the presidency represent a "confrontation" to the putschists.

"This attack on the rights of Lula responds to political and economic decisions against the rights of the Brazilian people." This is a blow by the financial sectors of the country, by the justice and the right of Brazil, against the country, the fatherland and the rights of the workers, "said the senator.

>> Pdta. of the PT: They are afraid that Lula leaves and wins the elections

>> Brazilians maintain mobilization to demand the freedom of Lula

With respect, to the steps of the Brazilian justice yesterday, Sunday 8 of July, concerning the liberation of Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva ordained by the judge Rogerio Favreto accepting the appeal of habeas corpus for the former president. However, the execution of the measure that was prevented after a series of actions by other judges and the Federal Police .

He also said that beginning this week will begin various national mobilizations, starting today with a deed before the Supreme Court of Brasilia at 17:30 (local time). In addition, e l 13 July next, was called to participate in the National Day of Struggles by Brazil plead for the people and the innocence of Lula occasion in which PT will announce 13 emergency measures "so that the country can overcome its economic and institutional crisis". [19659002QUASTER"Allthesebadetsareatleastuntil15August"saidthelegislatorOnthatdaythelaunchingofthePresidentofBrazil'spresidencyintheaftermathofBrasiliacalledontheorganizerstobeveryshocked

Hoffmann expressed that "what happened yesterday was extremely serious. Brazil is without stability democratic and institutional, "adding that there is" a great international denunciation of what is happening "and that" the events of yesterday have had a very great international impact, the world does not understand why the Brazilian justice has behaved this way. "

The lawyer and politician insisted on the innocence of the leader of PT and demanded answers to the question. Administration of de facto President Michel Temer: "The government must explain why the police did not comply with the court order."

Similarly, he issued an ultimatum to the judicial system of his country: "We give up to July 15 to the justice and the public prosecutor to present evidence against Lula : qu & # 39. They tell us what is the cause of why he is imprisoned and what is the evidence that incriminates him. "

The President of PT admitted that Sunday night she felt a deep frustration learning that da Silva would remain a prisoner: "Everything was ready, but unfortunately the Federal Police and the judge ( Sérgio ) Moro prevented his departure. "

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