Puerto Natales: Two convictions and acquittal mark the end of the trial because of fatal blows


After eleven days of trial, the Puerto Natales Court of Letters and Guarantees, delivered its verdict for the brutal beating of three young people which took place at the dawn of July 8 last year. [19659002] One of the victims, Gonzalo Muñoz del Campo, who remained in the neurovegetative state, died after being hospitalized for ten months at Magallanes Clinic Hospital [19659002] The former rifleman Miguel Delgado and the security guard Sebastián Cáceres was found guilty of the crime of murder and serious injury, respectively.

While the other former officer in uniform, Pedro Loncuante was acquitted

In this regard, the prosecutor Eugenio Campos stated that " Concerning the defendant Delgado we consider that there was no violation and his conviction is linked to the facts. With regard to Loncuante, we have our apprehensions. " [19659002] The Cáceres persecutor pointed out that will remain in prison at least until the reading of the decision, scheduled for July 9 in Punta Arenas, and which s & # 39; 39, opposes any advantage.

"The former police officer faces a sentence of more than 10 years and a day. We postulate the maximum penalty, for the loss of a human life.We believe that the court should take care pain not only of a family but of a community, "said the lawyer.

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