Pullmantur presents the departures of his route Spain, Portugal and Morocco for the 2018/2019 season – PortalCruceros


By Redacción PortalCruceros.cl


Pullmantur Cruceros presented departures contained in his journey between Canary Islands (Spain) Madeira (Portugal) and Agadir (Morocco) for the season 2018/2019.

By a statement, the company said it would make a total of 20 trips for its third season while crossing the archipelago, where estimates that more than 30,000 people are taking this route aboard the Zenith.

Thus, the first departure aboard the ship Zenith is scheduled for November 17 and the last, March 31, 2019

During its winter season, the Zenith will leave Gran Canaria every Saturday, then visit Tenerife, La Palma, Lanzarote, Agadir and Funchal.

The President of Pullmantur Cruises, Richard Vogel ] noted that this year "This will be the third we will operate in the Canary Islands consecutively, a sample of our commitment to this destination, which enjoys # 39; great beauty, attractiveness and uniqueness. "

" From the first moment we have been clear that this route is the ideal option for both Peninsula and Island pbadengers. can make a parenthesis in winter in a nearby place and enjoys a fantastic climate, while they have within their reach the possibility of entering the idisioncrasie of their islands, as well as Madeira and Agadir, with the comfort of being able to board their own archipelago, "said the president of the shipping company.

Special Departures

In addition, the cruise company mentioned that this route will have two special departures scheduled to celebrate the New Year and Carnival in the Canary Islands.

For the New Year cruise in the Canary Islands, Madeira and Agadir, Pullmantur will offer a seven-night pbadage that includes a stop at Agadir, as a novelty compared to the previous season.

Thus, the Zenith will spend the night of December 31 anchorage in Funchal so that guests can watch the fireworks on board the ship.

Meanwhile, the line offers an outing to your guests to enjoy the Carnival in the Canary Islands, through a seven-night tour, departing on March 2

This departure will change your regular route to spend the night In La Palma and enjoy the famous Carnival de los Indianos, your itinerary includes a shipment to Gran Canaria and Tenerife, La Palma, Agadir and Lanzarote. [19659015] I like it:

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