Putin attacks Trump's critics in the United States who pursue "closed partisan interests"


"There are American forces that want to sacrifice the links of Russia and the United States for their closed partisan interests."

It is the attack of Russian President Vladimir Putin against those who criticized the United States for its first bilateral summit. Donald Trump

He also said, at a meeting with Russian diplomats in Moscow, that these "forces" "feed stories to millions of their citizens ."

Putin's statement comes after Trump was severely attacked in his country for allegedly being positioned in favor of Russia and against his country's intelligence services in the controversy over the alleged interference of Moscow in the elections of 2016.

<img src = "https://media.metrolatam.com/2018/07/19/102581439tv048216787-3a0140d347bc8f2b3d0b27707917ba40-1200×0.jpg" alt = "102581439tv048216787-3a0140d347bc8f2b3d0b27707917ba40.jpg [19659006] The The summit was held after a meeting of NATO leaders and a trip to the UK in which Trump was seen taking a more difficult position in public with his historic allies than he later took with Putin.

On Thursday, Trump accused his opponents of preferring to go to war instead of seeking good relations with Russia.

https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/ status / 1019899507910283264

The medals ias de Fake News desperately want to see a big confrontation with Russia, even a confrontation that can lead to war. They press very imprudently and they hate the fact that I will probably have a good relationship with Putin. We do it a lot better than any other country!

Despite the controversy, Republican voters seem to continue to support Trump.

A Reuters / Ipsos poll this week revealed that despite the storm of media criticism, the Trump and Putin summit in Finland have not had a real impact on their overall levels of approval .

In the poll, 42% of all registered voters approved their execution in

About 71% of Republicans surveyed approved their response on Russia, while only 14% were in favor favor.

What did Trump say?

On Tuesday, Trump insisted that he had "misrepresented" at the summit press conference, while he appeared to support Putin in the allegations of "no one". alleged interference of the Kremlin in US elections.

US intelligence chief Dan Coats said Russia was involved in "ongoing and widespread efforts" to undermine his country's democracy.

In an interview with CBS News on Wednesday, Trump said that he considered Putin personally responsible for any Russian interference.


"Just as I consider myself responsible for what is happening in this country," he said. "Certainly, as the head of a country, you must consider him (Putin) as responsible, yes."

Trump added that in his in-camera conversation in Helsinki with the Russian leader, he was "very firm" in the fact that we could not have any interference.

What is it now?

US lawmakers demand Legal action is taken to obtain the notes of the American translator who accompanied Trump during his two-hour meeting with Putin

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo must appear before the Senate next week at the summit.

] Nancy Pelosi, Democratic leader in the House of Representatives, attempted Tuesday to hold a symbolic vote to support the conclusions of Russian interference, but was blocked by Republicans.

Senators Jeff Flake (Republican of Arizona) and Chris Coons, (a Delaware Democrat) were working on a non-binding resolution to support the findings of the Intelligence Committee on Russian Interference.

But Republican Texas lawmaker John Cornyn said the Senate should focus on "imposing more penalties instead of an exercise in sending messages."


What did Trump say at the top?

During a conference Monday, Trump was questioned about the alleged Russian meddling in the US elections.

According to a transcript published by the White House, Trump said, "My people came to me … they said that they thought who Russia is.I have President Putin, who just said that it is not Russia, I will say this: I see no reason why this should be. "

The summit's comments provoked a barrage of criticism from legislators from both parties , many asking him to correct what he had said.

"The sentence should have been:" I do not see why I should not have "or" why there was no summer Russia. A kind of double negative. "

Trump claimed that the interference had not had an impact on the election, in which he defeated Hillary Clinton.

However, it does not have any effect on the election. did not answer when reporters asked him if he would have condemned Putin.

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