Putin says Americans want to destroy relationship with Russia



Moscow / 19.07.2018 08:01:09

The President of Russia, Vladimir Putin denounced that the "forces" of United States ] are "ready to sacrifice Russian-American relations " after the Helsinki summit with Donald Trump, who was criticized for his position as conciliator.

"We see that there are forces in the United States that are willing to easily sacrifice Russian-American relations for their own ambitions," Putin said in a speech to Russian ambbadadors gathered in Moscow

Putin said the meeting with Trump opened " the road to positive change " in the bruised relations between the two countries.

"Despite all the differences in our positions, we have agreed that Russian-American relations (…) are even worse than during the Cold War ," Putin said. meeting in Moscow with the Russian ambbadadors abroad and the dome of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

He added that

the problems accumulated for years are not fixed in a few hours

which is the first summit between two presidents, but stressed that "the road to positive change began to march . "

Putin's performance at the meeting was well seen in Russia, while Trump was criticized by American intelligence institutions discrediting to make sure that he did not believe that the Russian government had interfered in American politics.

Upon his arrival in the United States, Trump declared that his words had been misinterpreted and accused the med Ios and his detractors prefer a war to an improvement of relations with Russia.

"The means of false news wants to see at any price a confrontation with Russia even a confrontation that can cause a war.They are so insidiously in a hurry and they hate the fact that they have probably a good relationship with Putin, "he wrote on Twitter

The Fake News Media wants to see a major confrontation with Russia, even a confrontation that could lead to war. . They push so recklessly and hate the fact that I will probably have a good relationship with Putin. We do a lot better than any other country!

– Donald J. Trump (@ realDonaldTrump) July 19, 2018

Yesterday, Trump said that he did not think that Russia was a threat; However, the White House spokeswoman said Russia was still a risk and the president's words were misinterpreted.


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