Radio Havana Cuba | Venezuela: Petrocaribe contributes to regional integration


Venezuela: Petrocaribe's contributions to regional integration stand out

The group played a key role in the fight against Venezuela's economic war. Photo: Archivo

  The group played a key role in the fight against the economic war Venezuela is facing. Photo: Archivo

Havana, June 30 (RHC) A statement by Petroleo de Venezuela (PDVSA) on June 30 in Caracas highlights Petrocaribe's contribution to the region's integration and fight against poverty, objectives "Since its founding on June 29, 2005, Petrocaribe has realized the development of 790 projects in the fields of food, education, housing, health and sanitation. from the environment, utilities., electricity, among others, "reveals the text.

Specifies that this group was key in the fight against the economic war that Venezuela faces, since as part of the payment of the oil bill received about 4 million tons of food that favored the population the most vulnerable.

The report adds that Pdvsa and 12 other joint ventures forming part of the bloc have developed an important energy infrastructure for the region, including the ceiling "The Venezuelan government continues to promote Petrocaribe as a strategic priority of its energy policy, based on the principles of solidarity, cooperation and sovereignty, "he added. to overcome the aggressions and the American economic blockade2, underlines the declaration. (Source: PL)

Published by Martha Rios

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