Rafael Correa receives support: Evo Morales rejected the measure of deprivation of liberty for the former president of Ecuador


The President of Bolivia, Evo Morales, expressed his solidarity with Rafael Correa, facing an alleged badault and abuse of the rights of the former president of Ecuador, a country whose Office of the Prosecutor asked for measures of deprivation of liberty. Ecuador's Attorney for Preventive Detention against the former President of that country, Br. @ MashiRafael We denounce the politicization of Ecuadorian justice and the interference by # USA with the intention of imprisoning an innocent We are with you brother Correa Venceremos! "Morales Ayma said in his Twitter account.

From Brussels, where he is, Rafael Correa said" I thank all your expressions of solidarity in this new and serious outrage to justice and my rights, I'm fine , do not worry, they will try to humiliate us and make us have a bad time, but such a monstrosity will never flourish in a state of law like Belgium ", which He thus condemned an extradition

Evo Morales and Rafael Correa were representatives of what was called "21st century socialism", a trend promoted by the late Hugo Chávez of Venezuela.Interpol triggered a "red alert" against the former president of the South American country

We rejected the request of the Ecuadorian Prosecutor's Office for preventive detention against the former president of that country, Brother @MashiRafael .We denounce the politicization of the justi this Ecuadorian and the interference of # EEA with the intention of imprisoning an innocent. We are with you Fr. Correa Venceremos

– Evo Morales Ayma (@evoespueblo) 4 July 2018

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