Rain of Laws: Government Sets Schedule to End "Legislative Drought"


The key term of recent days has been "legislative drought". This is what accuses the opposition of the current government of Sebastián Piñera, because during his first months of mandate, they have not promoted any law.

That is why, in the ruling party, they are already acting and, from the General Secretariat of the Presidency, yesterday set a timetable for these initiatives, which will begin to materialize from this week with the l 39; five bills introduced in Parliament.

Among the initiatives that will be presented shortly, is the project Public Integrity, the law on the digital transformation of the state, the project that sanctions the so-called "incivilities", the project that modernizes digital platforms in the transportation system and the bill modernizes the environmental impact badessment system. [19659002] But, in the long run, La Moneda has a series of projects labeled as "essential", which should be seized no later than 90 days. Among them, the modernization of Carabineros, the project that establishes the cradle and free and universal preschool education for all children in Chile and the bill that simplifies the tax system.

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