Ranking 2018 of the most popular apps that Chileans use on their mobile phones


  •   Applications Movistar Chile released Tuesday its 2018 report featuring the 30 most downloaded and used applications by Chileans. The report reflects the changing trends in the use of certain applications, such as the appearance of shopping applications and the consolidation of other cross-industry applications such as Facebook, the most downloaded and most used by users. The results of the report are based on "real penetration", that is to say given the number of users who installed them and who use them on their devices.

    It should be noted that the report takes into account the traffic of all mobile users of Movistar (more than 9 million) during the second half of the year, as it positions itself as the company which concentrates most of Mobile data in the country, according to Subtel, reflecting the company's ongoing work to strengthen its networks and bring broadband users closer to the mobile Internet.

    On the Podium

    Of the 30 most popular applications in the report, 30% are social platforms. and messaging, such as Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram or Twitter. Thus, the ranking begins by highlighting Facebook, which, with 94% of actual penetration, is positioned as the most used platform of the mobile phone, both in its application and Web dimensions. This means that 94% of Movistar's mobile customers have downloaded, installed and used this application on their mobile phone.

     Most Apps

    "Facebook is a social and digital platform that has historically been the number one name in both Chile and around the world. to the application and the diversity of their consumption, texts, photos, videos, GIF, sale of products, etc. It is also a cross-platform at the age of its users, who use the application to any time of the day and who, in general, keep their accounts active (they do not eliminate them), "said Eric Ancelovici, Chief Data Officer (CDO) of Movistar Chile.

    Then comes Google, present in 93% of devices, preinstalled on Android devices. Third, YouTube (90%) appears, demonstrating the relevance of the video, which, according to Movistar figures, accounts for more than 60% of total mobile traffic. The Top 5 is complemented by Gmail (86%) and WhatsApp (85%), a consolidated application as the most mbadive chat or messaging platform in the country.

    "The top 5 ranking is distinguished by the fact that it has applications that allow users to constantly share information, communicate with other people and also broadcast images and videos In this way, we see how Google appears to facilitate data search, a Gmail offering the ability to attach files or a WhatsApp to converse with friends and family, "says the CDO of Movistar Chile.

    Appears Instagram, which increased by four positions between 2017 and 2018 (from 49% to 75%), followed by Facebook Messenger (70%), Google Maps (70%) and Twitter (63%). It closes the Top 10 Spotify (48%), application that went from 35% to about 50% penetration in 2017.

    "Instagram is an application that has grown considerably in recent years for various reasons, such as For example, the highest performance and best resolution of smartphone cameras, which allows you to upload better quality photos and "stories", thus seeking greater interaction with subscribers. Instagram users with more digital knowledge who, in addition to interacting with their friends or family, also want to influence and increase the number of their followers, "said Eric Ancelovici.

    Netflix from the Mobile

    On the other hand, the promotion of Netflix stands out, application that has pbaded the use of 12% in 2017 to 30% in 2018, which ranks 16th among the most popular applications. 19659002] "Netflix is ​​an application that has significantly increased the number of users who use it from the cell phone, which has been enhanced through exclusive offers, which offer the possibility to pay the subscription via the Movistar ticket. The increase in Gigas consumption available in our mobile plans, as well as the constant improvement in the quality and speed of the network for content viewing, have also boosted Netflix's consumption, "said the executive. .

    They also highlight the appearance of three applications to buy and sell various products on the Internet, such as MercadoLibre ranked 19th (21% penetration); AliExpress, ranked 21st (18%); and Wish, ranked 27 (4%). In fact, 72% of the visits made during the last Cyber ​​Monday were made from mobile devices.

    What is also happening with Uber, which has grown in one year from 10% to 18% penetration, to reach today's 1965 ranking.

    In addition, it should be noted that McAffe, which ranks 23rd, is present in 14% of users' devices, demonstrating the relevance of cybersecurity and personal file protection.

    "In this sense, at Movistar, we are constantly working to strengthen it through workshops on cybersecurity and digital education, as well as through our advertising campaigns. work to be done and we must continue to educate people about digital security, so that they have more knowledge and tools of better quality to protect one of the most valuable elements: their personal information, "he concludes. Ancelovici.

    Next, the Top 30:

    Penetration Application of a Place

    1 Facebook 94.2%

    2 Google 92.7%

    3 YouTube 89.5% [19659002] 4 Gmail 86.0%

    5 WhatsApp 85.4%

    6 Instagram 74.5%

    7 Facebook Messen 70.2%

    8 Google Maps 69.9% [19659002] 9 Twitter 62.7%

    10 Spotify 48.4%

    11 Box of Deposit 42.1%

    12 AccuWeather 37.3%

    13 LinkedIn 36.7%

    14 E-mail Outlook 35, 5%

    15 Skype 34.2%

    16 Netflix 29.8%

    17 Snapchat 26.5%

    18 iTunes 23.7%

    19 MercadoLibre 21.0% [19659002] 20% 18.2%

    21 AliExpress 17.6%

    22 Google Drive 16.1%

    23 McAfee 14.1%

    24 Waze 13.5%

    25 Pokemon Go 5 , 5%

    26 Shazam 5.3%

    27 Wish 4.2%

    28 Clash Royale 3.6%

    29 Candy Crush 3.3%

    30 Tinder 2, 9%

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