Rapid HIV test in the city: 78 people were tested positive


In the past four years, there have been 41 days of rapid HIV testing in 18 locations and corners of the city. According to the authorities, of the 5700 people who approached the health caravans for testing 78 were tested positive .

The patients who discovered when they contracted the AIDS virus were referred to the infectious departments of reference hospitals such as Muñiz, Ramos Mejía, Tornú or Argerich, among others.

The coordinator of the badual health program of the city Fabian Portnoy explained to TN that in Buenos Aires there were 1,800 new diagnoses per year . At the national level, 6000 cases of seropositivity are recorded annually .

The specialist specified that the test has a precision of 99.9% although it does not consider the last 30 days. "If someone has been exposed to a contagious situation during this time, he must repeat the test."

  To take the HIV-AIDS rapid test, a drop of blood is placed on a test strip.
Take the HIV-AIDS rapid test A drop of blood is placed on a test strip.

The Sexual Health, AIDS and STI Coordination Campaign of the Buenos Aires Ministry of Health for Neighborhoods facilitates access to HIV testing, but also to timely diagnosis . More than half (53.9%) of those tested said they did so because "it happened and they saw the trailer." The rest had heard about social networks or comments.

"The strategy allowed us to reach the young men who are an audience that generally does not go to control centers.Health ," said Portnoy because on the periphery of the health trailer in the neighborhoods, men are closer than women to the test, unlike what happens in hospitals, with an average age of 33 years . Since 2014, 5,762 people have been tested

Official figures showed that 1.35% of people received a positive result with a higher prevalence among men who have bad with men . The 0.3% of the population lives with the virus in the country, according to the latest Bulletin on HIV, AIDS and STIs in Argentina of the AIDS and Sexually Transmitted Diseases Department of the Ministry of Health of the Nation [19659010]. The rapid HIV test is 99.9% effective ” src=”http://cdn.tn.com.ar/sites/default/files/styles/embed_image/public/2018/07/17/5b4df4ae4d7ef_vih-test.jpg” srcset=”//cdn.tn.com.ar/sites/default/files/styles/embed_image/public/2018/07/17/5b4df4ae4d7ef_vih-test.jpg 1080w,//cdn.tn.com.ar/sites/default/files/styles/embed_image/public/2018/07/17/5b4df4ae4d7ef_vih-test.jpg 720w”/>

The rapid HIV test is 99.9% effective.

HIV is transmitted by having unprotected bad (condom in badl, oral or bad penetration and in the latex field during oral bad with women), sharing objects spikes that are not disposable or sterile and during pregnancy, childbirth and lactation without adequate treatment to prevent mother-to-child transmission -child

There are currently 35 health centers in the city that have a center for prevention and counseling and prevention of HIV / AIDS (Cepad). In these units, you can also do the quick test of placing a drop of blood on a test strip. The result takes about 15 minutes and, if it is positive, a more comprehensive test should be done in a hospital to confirm the data and begin treatment as soon as possible.

All the people who were exposed to the virus had bad without a condom, they shared a sharp object with leftover blood (rings or needles for tattoos or drugs are some examples) or couples in search of pregnancy should be tested. It's fast, free and confidential . You can check the nearest point to do it on this site.

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