Readjust to the public sector – Diario Financiero


The presence of state secretaries had been raised by tax officials. This Monday, a stoppage of work in the public sector after a refusal to agree with the government for a readjustment was started on Monday.

This Monday began a public sector "warning" strike after an agreement with the government. for readjustment. After that, Finance Minister Felipe Larraín declared forcefully that "we are doing what we can within the framework of the restrictions in force, but we are happy to reach an agreement".

State called to maintain the dialogue and to escape the strikes .

"For now, mobilizations are not the answer," said the minister.

During this afternoon, around 6 pm Beginning of the seventh meeting between the government and workers' unions of the public sector in search of salary adjustments.

The big difference today will be precisely the presence of Minister Larraín and Minister of Labor Nicolás Monckeberg at the time of the appointment, a fact that was affirmed by the workers.

From the Unitaria Central Trabajadores (CUT), its president, Bárbara Figueroa, expressed the will of the unions to reach an agreement, while warning that the Treasury's offer is "very minor" (3, 1%) in terms of its current 7% demand.

During this day, the paralysis of public services began, in order to warn the government, the insistence to reach a consensus, which remains in discussion without prior discussion. Final approach of the parties, although from the portfolio of works, the Minister Nicolás Monckeberg joined the words of Larraín to call the dialogue.


are for the moment two essential points which maintain the doubt. if an agreement with the figure will be reached. In the first place, the demand of the unions that the finance and labor ministers are present during the negotiations, participation which has been confirmed up to now by the labor portfolio but which is still maintained. doubt if Larraín will be presented.

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And the second key point to discuss, and that for the moment, the government decides if this will be included, is if this readjustment is affected by the Authorities, since 2015 and last year, they have been frozen and only concern workers.

Faced with the paralysis of guilds, they called on citizens to come closer to carry out their work. procedures if necessary, since the functions of different public services will function clearly with ethical

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