Rectors concerned about new student loan scheme


Concern expressed by the rectors of Chilean universities because of the provisions that the new system of solidarity financing for education will have, which will replace the current credit by the state guarantee (CAE).

According to the initiative, which makes little entry to Congress, students in the first six deciles would pay nothing during their careers, and therefore the universities will have to badume the guarantees of desertion, that is, say cover 90, 70 or 60% depending on the year Desert students and also cover the gap between the actual and adjusted fare.

"In fact, we have enormous concerns about, for example, the guarantees or the payment of those students who, in the event of a payment, ceased paying in the amount allocated, according to the rates that the institutions have, "said the rector of the Catholic University of Maule, Diego Durán [19459] 004]

" This also makes it difficult, there is a premise that by guaranteeing the payment of the state, then the institutions can reduce the costs for the security that should receive these resources.I think this relationship is negative. "

Rector UAH: A new credit is beneficial for students, but it harms the institutions

To this it is added that schools are attached to the gratuity will be regulated by law the tariff of the seventh, eighth and ninth deciles.

Study houses have until July 29 to decide if they come out of the free, however, no one has expressed their

"The new credit is very beneficial to students , however, it harms institutions, it harms much more to those who are attached to gratification, because it actually establishes a new funding regime when we put limits to growth to release – even for the state – and not put limits to growth for those who are not free, "said rector of the University Alberto Hurtad. o, Eduardo Silva .

The rector pointed out that the above "makes it even more difficult for those of us who want the students of the first six deciles to study for free"

. they already existed inside the Senate Education Committee, as if this debt system that the state would collect across the treasury could bring down the debtors in Dicom.

Mineduc: Concerns are valid

According to the director of the Mineduc Division of Higher Education, Juan Eduardo Vargas all doubts will be resolved and the concerns are valid.

the 2018 process, more than 60,000 new students were indebted to finance their studies with the CAE and the more we delay, the more I insist, the more students will continue to borrow from a credit system that there is already a consequence I think that reasonable concerns have been raised and, of course, we must strive to clarify and clarify them in the process. I think they are valid, "added Vargas

The discussion regarding this project will be given during the processing of this initiative, which only takes a few sessions at the Senate Education Committee and will not be discussed. it's a simple emergency.

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