Red Dead Redemption 2


Rockstar Games returns to the Western world. In 2010, he gave us one of his most complete works and one of the best games in history and, with Arthur Morgan and the Dutch band Van der Linde, now seeks to tell us what happened. happened before our meeting with John Marston. 19659002] Red Dead Redemption 2 landed in stores with a special video game aura . More special if the latest versions of Rockstar Games, despite being among them the most profitable entertainment product in history; and it is that this twilight western is the first film in which the studio works its first video game designed and created exclusively for the current generation, the first title in which its various divisions (North, San Diego, etc.) came together to work in harmony and, after more than fifteen years of sequencing of annual publications the first project that led the company to go "blank" for five years.

the last points are all relevant because they are the reason why Red Dead Redemption 2 is, let's face it, one of the most ambitious video games of the year. History the true transcendent is its prequel status. One of them bore on the band of outlaws whose unforgettable John Marston was part, and more specifically on Arthur Morgan executor arm and right arm of the leader Dutch Van der Linde.

The Houser brothers and the team of writers decides to travel up to 1899 twelve years before the events recounted in the 2010 video game, and to focus on the off-hours of a group of bandits who, after a miss, are in full flight across the North American continent. Thus, in the media begins a slow, guided and dense first chapter which is far from reflecting the immensity and depth, in all its aspects, of Red Dead Redemption 2. At the same time as frustratingly, he spends a lot of time referring to facts that are neither lived nor played and that feel more relevant than what we play. A kind of prologue prologue.

These first three or four hours of play, clearly influenced by films like The odious eight a work similar to ] a vast tutorial in which, in a restricted way and far from the absolute freedom which characterizes the sandbox of society, we learn the basics of the many systems different ones that integrate Red Dead Redemption 2 : from the hunt and the link with our horse to the relationship with the members of our group or the maintenance of our weapons. And it serves above all as a clear statement of intent from its creators

Red Dead Redemption is not from The Grand Auto . Beyond the obvious difference of their decoration, the two sagas are more and more separated in the game and far from the espídico rhythm and the sarcastic tone of its saga of stars, the company had the courage to work during about eight years Sober, dense and deliberately interrupted video game away from a market dominated by frenetic and immediate experiences such as Fortnite or Call of Duty . Here, everything is simmering, as in the best Western movies, and even the most basic mechanisms tend to get complicated to achieve more realism and depth. And it is that Red Dead Redemption 2 grows a lot, horizontally but also vertically .

So much so that the first steps of the game can certainly cause a bittersweet feeling of the unknown of the aforementioned prologue and, most importantly, of an apparent setback of the mechanics and fundamental movements of the game. Arthur Morgan. The vast majority, over the hours, end up impregnating the player and constitute the elements of an experience that almost always borders the coveted realism, but other elements never fit quite quite satisfactory. and can suffocate from the beginning .

The most obvious case is that of the system of interaction with all that surrounds us: pressing the L2 / LT key opens a contextual menu with which we will interact with the hundreds of NPC (humans and animals) that populate the world of video games, we will loot chests, cabinets and drawers and perform the various actions necessary in the missions and tasks of the video game. At the level of the interaction with what surrounds us, Red Dead Redemption 2 is several times superior to the previous video games of the company and, therefore, offers us a more complex control, which requires the constant combination of control keys

And here several problems more or less subjective: it is difficult to understand that the button on which the system is built is the same as that used by the absolute totality of the video games for pointing with our weapon, forcing us to relearn something rooted for decades and, above all, giving rise to multiple uncomfortable and frustrating situations for the player. In addition, the allocation of buttons and their use in dozens of actions are somewhat inconsistent and even with dozens of hours of backstage play, we can not talk about any of these. 39: An Intuitive and Consistent System : It never seems clear for what kind of actions the square / X or triangle / Y should be used or when they have to be pressed or kept in a hurry. The adaptation and badimilation of this new and important element is a sacrifice that is made with pleasure but, of course, we are facing a sector that could still be improved in future deliveries.

Other basic mechanisms such as firing in which it is necessary to initiate and arming the weapon between a shot and a shot and in which it is difficult to obtain satisfactory control settings, they are not as immediately convincing as they were in the previous video games of the company (from the own RDR or GTA V to the one that remains a reference in the genre, Max Payne 3 ) but they end up being a courageous bet and consistent with the proposal which differentiates by introducing a slight layer of additional depth.

In total, it is once arrived at the second chapter he our camp being already installed on a new territory and offering a free way to explore the vast world, when begins to show the Absolute genius that is Red Dead Redemption 2 in its state of The open world game and the potential doubts generated by its hot start are dispelled at once. And the reason is both very simple and extremely complex: the last work of Rockstar presents the world the most credible, organic, detailed and deep that we have seen in the history of the medium and more particularly, in a generation where this approach has been strongly supported. It's unheard of and leaves you speechless at every step.

It all starts in general, with graphic and artistic parts of the highest level supported by an unusual technical robustness in the games of this cut, which reduces the popping and the clipping to the minimum expression while leaving us a huge drawing distance, and continuing in each of the remaining aspects: the hundreds of neat animations, even for minor and irrelevant actions that we only see in a specific mission; the refinement of its spectacular physics engine; a magnificent audio project reproducing the sound of the world and its inhabitants, as well as the extensive and dynamic soundtrack (which does not repeat any break throughout the adventure) is one more character; and, something that is there to unite and wrap, one of the best illuminations we've ever seen .

. There is much more: what he shows and what he does Red Dead Redemption 2 is virtually unreachable and, even with over seventy hours played, it's common to continue to surprise every step. One never gets used up enough to its spectacular dynamic climate system, with imposing storms and a deep haze, the recreation of nearly 200 animal species and dozens of random and extremely varied events that we find in our travels or in seemingly insignificant details as the way of sinking into the mud of corpses, the recreation and movements of the beard invaded by Arthur, the cuts and bruises on his face after the fighting and an almost infinite, etc. There are thousands of little details that make the world so alive and we live there, more than playing.

Say that Red Dead Redemption 2 ] is the next generation transformed into a video game released in 2018 seems a simple and accurate way to summarize the incomprehensible and sickly work of society. In fact, I have no doubt, it will take us a long time to see an open world with this level of depth and detail, even with the next consoles already on sale. Same as Grand Theft Auto V marked the limit, technical and ambitious, of the last generation, Red Dead Redemption 2 does the same.


But even here, where it certainly costs more, hours of play make extraordinary routine to end up giving priority to emotions . And if we remember today the story of John Marston and many other video games launched over the last decade, that's what counts and how it matters, for his unforgettable secondary characters , for his first trip to Mexico and for a final. marked by fire in our retinas above the satisfaction of his system Dead Eye or by the excellent tattoo or Blackwater recreation. That too would be more.

And there, in the narrative side of Red Dead Redemption 2 is where Rockstar did not reach the extraordinary level of maturity that permeates the rest of the elements of the video game and, in fact, it stays behind what has been lived and played years ago. Arthur Morgan is a fantastic character, with a memorable performance of Roger Clark (it's to praise Rockstar's ability to discover and shine completely unknown performers), involved in a story ordinary and almost always unforgettable. he stretches too much .

Although we must appreciate the remarkable progress made in terms of content and duration compared to the previous games of the study, the script takes an excessive time to say something of real interest while integrating too missions which enter into the most absolute filling of his first semester with basic commissions and possessing any video game of the group to open world; On the other hand, once the Equator arrived, Rockstar decided to open many fronts and introduce new threats during forced marches, tying the goals in a hurry and, in some cases, unsatisfactory. The history offers us great moments and pbadages that will be remembered over the next few years it lacks more, but we are talking about an unbalanced and uneven writing ] that is surprisingly lacking in your clbadic western that has bathed every corner of the first .

And, similarly, it is difficult to understand that such a long story does not let the characters breathe more than they make up and their relationships. Thus, some who go completely unnoticed in the first half of the game end up being the capital for Arthur in the aftermath of history, while others evolve and act incomprehensibly in the final stages of adventure. Meanwhile, and despite optional welcome talks most members of the large group are reduced to mere one-dimensional stereotypes: the cook, the writer, the Irish, the Mexican, the violent or the brainless. Conceptually and mechanically, there is no doubt that Rockstar seeks to make the band and its members an essential element of Red Dead Redemption 2 but, unfortunately, the scenario does not manage to round off this proposal.

Moreover, in addition, Red Dead Redemption 2 answers to two unforgivable errors in a prequel : proposes for the first time a history without importance and which neither completes nor satisfactorily completes the events recounted in the first Red Dead Redemption and, most importantly, falls into multiple and unnecessary inconsistencies and errors of retrocontinuity with the story that we know since 2010. It is hard to say what and why the game script does not work without entering spoilers with which we will talk much more, with all kinds of details, in an additional article.

But even with these problems, the game gives us two of the best characters ever created by Rockstar : Sadie Addler, the woman who saved us the first mission of the game, which ends up becoming one the most charismatic members of the group and, of course, in Arthur Morgan, we have one of the best written characters of the present generation and, possibly, the history of the medium: full of chiaroscuro, contradictions and internal conflicts.

It is for this reason that it is a pity that Red Dead Redemption 2 falls into the typical error of turning him into a messenger, which causes . ] did not fail to comply with the orders and demands of others during almost all the conspiracy but, indeed, to give it some autonomy thanks to the integrated decision-making process in certain missions allowing You choose the type of strategy to adopt to deal with a given task or what time of day to act, to give two examples. Moreover, in this case, we are from the outset considered as the executive arm of the group that somehow solves this clbadic problem.

What it Generates The Conflict with the character presented to us throughout history in his cinematographic and cinematographic works and in the many conversations in full mission, is the honor system inherited from the previous video game. Rockstar introduces us to an outlaw who has grown up in crime and someone who, he says, "does the bad things that are needed to get going". In this way, the vast majority of video game missions will force us to kill dozens of people, to pay off debts regardless of the debtor's conditions and problems, and to steal private houses or stagecoaches from trains or buses. banks. We control a villain and the main plot respects and reinforces this image.

But, by cons, Red Dead Redemption 2 is not a video game designed to behave like a bandit off of his bounded field. and, in fact, the very idea of ​​a system of honor that improves and reports the benefits when we behave better is strange in this context. Beyond that, it often behaves in a strange way: complete a mission in which we stole a stagecoach and finished with two dozen enemies without anything having changed, so that our honor will be lowered after the Looting a corpse found on our trip or after hitting a NPC on horseback and generating a silly fight is, at best, odd. In addition, the system of fines which puts our head prices after crimes and misdeeds (or, again, what the game considers as such) does not work well and ends up frustrating more of what he should.

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