Red Dead Redemption 2: Learn the keys and codes of the PS4 and Xbox One | Rockstar | Video games


Red Dead Redemption 2 is one of the best-selling titles and applauded by players. Although it went on sale a few weeks ago, we know that many have already pbaded the title at 100%.

few people know the tricks and keys with which this title counts, so in this note you will learn how to take advantage of the benefits of your games.

Remember that these tips work on both PS4 and XBOX 1. In addition, unlike other titles of Rockstar in Red Dead Redemption 2, we must enter specific sentences to activate all these tips. will serve among other things to have infinite ammunition or enhanced abilities dead-eye. Do not forget that using these tips will prevent you from getting trophies or exploits.

Where and how to enter cheat codes?

To introduce the tips of Red Dead Redemption 2, you must follow these steps:

– Go to Settings
– Press the triangle button on PS4 or Y on Xbox One to access the cheat menu
– Enter the desired code


If you do it right, it will leave a message confirming that the tour has been unlocked. We will now give you the codes you need to write, what they will give you and if you have requirements.

Tips related to Morgan's abilities:

– Make be better : Increase your dead eye to level 2 and do not require any requirements.

– I'll be better : increase your dead eye to level 3 and do not require any requirement.

– I'm always looking for more : increase your dead eye to level 4 and do not require any requirement.

– I am looking for and I find : increase your dead eye to level 5 and have no more requirements.

– Search all the riches of this place : Increase the level of your life, resistance and dead-eye bars.

– You flourish before you die : health, resistance and dead eyes are not lacking.

– Looking for more than the world offers : Not only does it fill, but it also boosts health, strength and dead eyeballs. You must complete a mission from Chapter 6 ("The King's Son").

– A foolish command : with this trick, you'll get drunk immediately.

Tips related to weapons:

– A simple life, a beautiful death : you get a set of basic weapons.

– Death is a silence : you get a set of silent weapons, like a tomahawk, throwing poisoned knives …)

– Abundance is the desire the Deafest : Gives you an infinite amount of ammo and requires you to have already found the New Hanover Gazette 27 you can buy it in Valentine during the first chapter.

– Greed is an American Virtue : With this trick, you will add to your inventory a shotgun, a shotgun, a Mauser pistol and a semi-automatic pistol, and requires that you got the newspaper before finishing the mission of chapter 3 entitled "Advertising, new American art"

– The story is written by fools : open a double-barreled rifle and a double action revolver.

Tips related to the system of honor and level of research:

– Unreached virtue is not a virtue : thanks to this trick, the index of honor will be increased. You must fulfill the mission "Urban pleasures" of chapter 4.

– Libra. Everything is balance : reset the flag of honor and bring it back to the neutral position.

– You delight in your disgrace, I see . decreases the degree of honor to the maximum.

– You want a punishment : increases the current "wanted" level

– You want to get freedom : reduces the current level of "is wanted".

Tips related to horses and mounts:

– Better than my dog ​​: thanks to this trick, the reach of the whistle for the horse is increased, so you can get it call at a greater distance. 19659002] – Keep Your Dreams Light : A Light Horse Trolley Appears

– Run! Run! Run! : The racehorse will appear

– You are a beast built for war : the battle horse will appear. Buy the newspaper after completing the epilogue

– Keep your dreams simple : with this turn, a caravan will appear with a horse

– The lucky one is always strong : with This trick will increase the resistance of the character and his horse. You must buy the newspaper after finishing chapter 5.

– You want more than what you have : a horse of a higher clbad appears.

– You want something new ]: a random horse appears, both in the race and on his saddle.

– Would you be happier as a clown? : With this turn, a circus caravan will be created and will reappear. Purchase the newspaper after completing the epilogue.

– My kingdom is a horse: Raise the level of union links with your horse (without preconditions).

– The best of old ways : a diligence appears.

Tips related to the system of honor and the level of research:

– Unreached virtue is not a virtue : thanks to this trick, the # 39; hint of honor will be increased. You must fulfill the mission "Urban pleasures" of chapter 4.

– Libra. Everything is balance : reset the flag of honor and bring it back to the neutral position.

– You delight in your disgrace, I see . decreases the degree of honor to the maximum.

– You want a punishment : increases the current "wanted" level

– You want to get freedom : reduces the current level of "is wanted".

Tips for unlocking clothes, money recipes and other improvements:

– Greed is now a virtue : Add $ 500 to your savings.

– You aspire to the sight but do not see anything : thank you to this trick, you will reveal all the map of the game. This makes the whole map visible. You must fulfill the mission "Past and Present Family Conflicts" of Chapter 3.

– Vanity. All is vanity : open all the clothes.

– Eating Knowledge : You learn all the recipes.

– Share: Unlocks and automatically activates all camp upgrades (without prior notice).

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